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Just got power back this morning after the remnants of Ike came barreling through Sunday afternoon. We had sustained 70+ mph winds here.

Ohiobucks and I headed out Sunday morning to hang a couple stands and check the food plots we put in, we noticed it was "breezy." By the time we got done and I headed for my boys' football games it was windy. By the time my 2nd son got his game underway, they played the game in a full gale. By the time his game was done around 4 p.m. it was past gale and some gusts I'd guess where over 60 mph.

The way home was blocked 2 times by downed power lines and trees. As I pulled in the driveway I noticed some shingles giving way. My wife pulled in about 10 minutes later just in time for her to witness our pear tree bite the dust. I also lost my most productive apple tree. :(


My son and I crawled up on the roof, tacked down the shingles and chimney flashing and we rode out the storm. Most of the heavy wind subsided by 8 p.m., but for awhile there I thought I was in the Coast Guard again. :D

Almost forgot, be the first one to say "you were gone?" before Ohiobucks does.

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Oh man Chris, that's a shame about the trees. :( Cody (arrow32) sent me a text that night asking if we were getting any wind because it was blowing everything over up where he lives. Fortunately for us it was only just breezy enough to knock some of my tomato cages over, but otherwise I guess it went to the north/northwest of us.

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Dang Chris...didn't mean to share it with you. Sorry to hear about the loss of your trees. Sounds like you got it worse than we did this time. I was setting camp ladder stands (not personal stands) Saturday when we caught the edge of it. We only got 25 to 30 mph sustained winds in southwest MS with gust up to about 45 or 50. Felt a little uneasy binding down those ladder stands in the breeze. We didn't get much rain out of this storm either until the front moved through midday Sunday.

Gustav must have taken out the weak trees. We finish clearing them out of our club roads and food plots this past Wednesday. All total we spent 6 days cleaning up after Gustav with the aid of a tractor with a front end loader and a dozer. It might be time for a new chain for my chainsaw now. :rolleyes: Less than a handfull of trees fell from Ike. We have a quagmire or 2 left to clear out of roads again thanks to Ike but it was nothing like Gustav did hammering us.

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Glad to hear that your all OK!!!

So thats what that wind was eh....I was sitting out on the front porch late Sunday night and it sounded like a frieght train was just down the street out of sight.

Been without power here until noon today. The storm blew over a few trees down the street one of them took the corner of garage and landed on the guys Jeep.

Luckily for me the neighbor behind us here still had power and let us run an extension cord for the freezer in the garage!

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Somerset and Thurston,Ohio was still without power as of this afternoon (I pass through as I go to work and home) Mother in law's power cross the ridge in back on tonight. We only lost cable and phone Sunday night and a little last night. Lots of trees down ....I missed every one of them:cool:

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