So, Who Gets A Hat


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:confused: well, life has been a bit of a hassle lately. and now, i'm so far behind it might take me forever to catch up. so, i'll just quit...:D.

we did 80% success with one or two not making p&y. i was waaaaay off on my estimates, for various reasons. anyway, i owe someone a hat. can anyone figgure out who that someone is, and i'll send it out. sorry, but i thought this might also make a pretty interesting thread....;).

now, let the battle begin:D:D:D

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The only reason it wasn't 100% was the dang rain, and we all know that. ;) It definitely wasn't a bad call on your part Steve, ...we all know that now, just from being there. What an awesome hunt, and what awesome country.:cool::cool:

Well it sure wasn't for lack of trying or effort everyone gave 100% the weather played a huge part in the success and failure on this trip.


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The following was also posted in the Big Game/Exotics room

and on september 4th, steve will forcast the expected results. will it be 100% success??? maybe, but maybe not. maybe worse, maybe better. anyway, with the film crews we'll be after about 20 antelope. but i think i know what the future will bring. anyone care to guess?

give my your views on how many bucks will die, how many does, and how big those bucks may be. any in the Pope & Young??? let me see your best guess.



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OK, 85% success rate, 67% of bucks P & Y



Silver Member..Off the Porcher

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#405 infraction.gif report.gif ip.gif

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Monster Buck

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90% success ,,, with 75% being P&Y .. ;)



"In Memory Of Dr. David Ashburn (aka - Exturkinator) A

Realtree Family Member"


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We're going to give it 110%, so I can't see our success rate being any lower than that.:D

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NOW we're havin' some keep 'em coming



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#408 infraction.gif report.gif ip.gif

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Monster Buck

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100% success rate

90% P & Y


Todd :)

RGA Birdie Member :cool:

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#409 infraction.gif report.gif ip.gif

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Monster Buck

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100% success rate

85% P&Y

some does. :D

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#410 infraction.gif report.gif ip.gif

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Monster Buck

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going to say 80% success rate

75% P&Y

good luck to all



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#411 infraction.gif report.gif ip.gif

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100% success rate on bucks...:D 80% of those will be p&y. :cool: I don't know who's all buying a doe tag but I'd say 100% success rate on those who do.


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looking pretty optimistic so far.... way to go.

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I smell an auction! :D

I dont think and auction is right with the hat I think the hat should be something special for those that were able to make the trip ... if we are going to do something like an auction lets get a different hat I sorta like the idea of sharing something common with the ppl that went out to Wyoming. YMO

Sorry just how I feel


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Yeah, I'd say Muff was the closest :D

wtnhunt - 1 out of every 4 actually closing the deal on a pope and young antelope.

jjl7913 - 150% success with 82.765% P&Y bucks.

ruttinbuc - 90 % on bucks with 100% on P&Y bucks

texastrophies - 85% success rate, 67% of bucks P & Y

VermontHunter - 90% success ,,, with 75% being P&Y

Canuck2 - going to give it 110%,

toddyboman - 100% success rate 90% P & Y

buckee - 100% success rate 85% P&Y some does.

Muff - 80% success rate 75% P&Y

WHISKEYSWAMP - 100% success rate on bucks... 80% of those will be p&y.

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I'll venture Jim was the closest. He did have the advantage of being there before.

Frankly, it's stunning just how many legitimate P&Y antelope I saw! Jim mentioned that before on a post and he wasn't kidding. That first one Steve and I stalked up on may have indeed been a Booner. It was a tremendously massive antelope (Steve thought he had 6 1/2" cutters and that's HUGE he was a shooter based on that alone). When they get that heavy the mass measurements can outstrip horn length and contribute to more than half the total score. Antelope scores have 4 diameter measures and only two length measures (Horns and cutters). Big paddles and long cutters can make a very serious addition to final score. Whiskyswamp's antelope had serious mass and it wasn't the only one like that I saw. The antelope I got had 5 3/4" cutters and I know that it's no dink. I feel very fortunate I got to go on this hunt.

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