Ohio Plots!


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Ohiobucks and I decided to try some plots this fall and got the OK from the landowner. :cool:


This is the first one we did. Mainly chicory and Buck Forage Oats (BFO). I found out a little too late that the hand broadcaster put the seed down a little too thick. Live and learn. :rolleyes:


Same plot, different angle.


This is the biggest plot we did. Chicory, BFO, clover and some brassicas.

I didn't get a pic of the second one we did, but it's not doing as well as the other 2 for some reason. I suspect low light situation and the soil seemed pretty sandy. It germinated, but it wasn't as "lush" as the other 2.


Deer were in the biggest plot and you could see where they were eating in spots. We didn't see any tracks in the 1st and 2nd plot, hopefully that will change once the beans and corn come off in the surrounding area, and once the plots get a little more established. :cool:

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