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Some of you may remember me posting a couple months ago about some financial aid troubles I was having at school.

Well I just got a call from Financial Aid. I have been trying to get this taken care of for a couple months. I took my appeal form in the first time, said I needed documentation on what happened, a few weeks later I take it back with what I thought I needed. They take the papers, a week or two later I get them back saying I needed another document...no problem. I get it doen and took the paperwork BACK in last week. Got the call today and they said they accepted the appeal and I am just basically on a probation type deal, which means squat because the conditions they gave me I wouldn't even think of doing. I just have to meet with someone about retaking a class. The only bad thing I think is that this took so long to do, I'm not even sure what classes, if any are available for me to take this semester....might end up only taking 2 classes. But, I'm happy, no more being stressed out about it.

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