Allen county Ohio hunting.


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Allen county is one of the lowest in Ohio for deer numbers unfortunately. I've never hunted there, but I don't know that I'd get my hopes up. I think it's worth the trip though if you have exclusive rights to a property.

Click the green "next" button on the top of this page, then click on Allen county and it will zoom in a little.

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i am excited to hunt there but i have a 10 hour drive only for a weekend. and i am on a poor mans budget but that wont stop me from huntin. i just want to know what i am in for, that is all there is another person in fresno, that is not for sure, and i am not sure were that is as for as location in ohio but it is another option.

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Fresno is in Coshocton county... much more deer there than in Allen county... I still wouldn't rule out hunting Allen, seams every woodlot can carry a nice buck in it where ever you go. I don't know that it would be worth driving from Big Bay to hunt just a weekend though... then again I and three other buddies own a cabin near Strongs, UP... I make the drive every year to hunt and rarely see a deer over a few day period... still good times none the less.

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