awsome news!!!!!!!!


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alot of you can rememebr the huge 40 inch mule I was after last fall, I dream about him every night, I spent all july looking for him with no luck, no one spotted him all summeruntill this am, the rancher just called me, he seen him by a dugout thsi morning at 6.30, in the same draw I hunted him last year, he said he could not believe the mass and width, he could nto tell if it had all the junk as last year but who cares, thsi deer has caused em many nights of sleepless ness lol!! I have a rifle tag for him this fall, I have 2 more weeks of bow, a month of ML then 2 weeks of rifle, he will make a mistake, so glad he is alive,I can not rememebr the last great news I had as good as tonight, I am like a kid who jsut got a truck load of presants at x-mas lol!!keep a eye on my journal, sure glad I blew a stalk on a little 180 inch mulie tonight lol!![guess maybe it was a sign]

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I seen him last night, had him at 80 yards but could not get any closer, way down hill from last year, prob 4-5 inches narrower, no front forks down from a good 10 inch last year, 6 less stickers but the same hook as last year, not a tall and less hieght, I expect he will only gross in the low 180"s compared to the 220"s last year, he is super old, can really tell by his grew face and belly touching the ground lol, That area was super dry thsi summer and spring compared to last year and I expect last eyar was his peak, its downhill from now on, I am still going to hunt him hard becouse of the history, and if I cannot get him with bow I will give my daughter a try with ML next month,

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