My brother, a victim of fraud!!!


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This past week there's been a debit card scam going on at Algonquin College here in Ottawa. My brother is in the Police Foundations program there and living on campus. My mom heard about the fraud scam on the news yesterday and mentioned it to him tonight. He checked his account and sure enough $400 was gone! He has called the bank and they're going to put it through as a fraud so hopefully he'll get his money back. I just hope they can catch the scums behind this!!!!:mad::mad::(

Here's the story...

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my hubby had his card skimmed too and we kinda had a hunch where it happened we were in disneyland when the bank phoned here and since they couldn't get ahold of us they froze the account and they got 100 bucks but the bank said whoever had skim the card had tried a few times to get more money but couldn't since the bank froze the account, he got his money back in about 48 hrs.they usually never catch the person who did.the bank told us that over 400 people at their cards skimmed when we did .hope your brother gets his money back soon

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Hope everything gets straightened out. Do they have any leads? If it was happening at a college, I would be looking at someone in either the business office where tuitions are paid, or at the bookstore.

One of the cafeterias had an interac machine go missing the same day all the frauds started. They're inspecting every single machine in the college as we speak.

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