Big Things.....Little things


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If you have time for another Wyoming Antelope story, I’ve got one.

When Steve Beilgard offered up this hunt it didn’t take much thought to realize that my son needed to go. Having hunted with Steve in 2006 I knew the possibilities that existed in Gillette, and the time spent with Steve, Rilda and their family was something I wanted Joseph to experience. Combine that with the opportunity to help out a friend in need……………….NO-BRAINER.

We spent three days stalking and hunting from a blind. The weather wasn’t in our favor, but we kept at it. At noon on the third day a group of seven bucks bedded down about 250 yards from our blind. We knew it was just a matter of time and they’d come to water. At 1;30 the second largest buck came in for a drink, the others had gotten up and were moving off in the opposite direction. We had our buck coming in, now we just need a shot. 5 minutes seemed to take 5 hours, but the buck came in and gave Joe a 20 yard broadside shot…………………SLAM DUNK. Joe nailed him. Perfect shot placement combined with flawless performance by the Tekan broadhead and the buck collapsed just over a small rise. I hugged my son and told him I loved him and that the shot was PERFECT. While in my arms I felt him start to tremble, I looked at him and tears were streaming down his cheeks. I asked if he was alright. He responded with, “ Dad…………….that’s the coolest thing I’ve ever done”. Wyoming_9-4-08_007.jpgWyoming_9-4-08_004.jpg This was Joe's first Bow-kill. He'd taken a cow elk the previous fall with a 7mm, and really wasn’t impressed with the experience. Shooting something at 250 yards just didn’t get it for him. I think he’s hooked on this bowhunting thing. The challenge of getting something into bow range makes all of the difference. We could have shot 20-30 different bucks with a rifle on this trip, all of us could have. But, getting them close………………..Joe now knows………………..makes all of the difference. BIG THING.

That was Joe’s story from Wyoming……………………….Let me tell you MINE.

Thursday evening brought a whole new group of faces to the Beilgard residence. Scott, Tony, Jack, Mike, Leo and another STEVE. Man we sure had our share of Steve’s on this trip. We were standing in the garage saying hello to old friends and getting to meet new ones when Mike (ruttinbuc) walked up to my son and introduced himself. Mike told Joseph how he had seen on the Forums the he had made his first bow-kill and he wanted to congratulate him. Mike shook Joe’s hand and presented him with a pin. It’s shaped like a broadhead with the word “Bowhunter” engraved on it. Mike said, “Welcome to the club”. WOW…………….Joe was stunned. He said “Thank-You”. The thought that here was a man who traveled from New Jersey to Wyoming to hunt antelope himself, yet took the time to recognize Joe’s accomplishment was inspiring, and Joe knew it. LITTLE THING.

On the trip back home to Colorado, Joe reached into his pocket and took out that pin. He looked at it for a moment and reached into the back of the truck for his “Bucks for Buckee” hat. He asked me where he should put it on the hat, I told him wherever he wanted it. That was two weeks ago. Last evening I walked past Joe’s room and noticed him sitting on his bed. He was looking at his hat and had a tear in his eye. He looked up and said, “Where we going next Dad?”……………….yep…………….he’s hooked. hat.jpg

Thank-You Everyone. For the Big things and the Little things. I'm just having a tough time figuring out which is which.

If you're ever in SW Colorado, make sure you stop by for a while. We don't have any antelope, but the Muley and Elk hunting are top-notch. See you in Gunnison........................................

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Cool stories Jim, sounds to me like you are doing it right. Congrats to you for that.

Now, to Joe, that sounds to me like you experienced a hunt of a lifetime. Not only in the success of the hunt, but in all the lessons learned about what life is all about. Not only from your father, who's generosity to another person allowed you to be there, but also from all of the other's who gave so much to a friend some of them had never even met. Those memories will remain with you forever. Congrats!!!!!!!!!!

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That was a great account of a great hunt Jim.:):cool: It was an honor and a privilege to meet Joe, and see you again. Joe is a spittin image of his Dad. ;)

I didn't realize that this was Joe's first bow-kill. That makes it even more awesome for sure.

Way to go Joe, and it's nice to see you're hooked :D

Awesome story Jim.

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Well with goose bumps the size of golf balls on my arms and big ol tears in my eyes I will say THATS was an amazing and moving post!

Thank you for sharing your and Joe's experience in WY.

I hope and pray I am able to have similar type experiences with my kids when they get older....

JOE Congrats on a your first of many successful archery hunts ;):)

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Jim, thanks for sharing this story of Joe's success. I remember how it did my heart good to read that he got his antelope. As I prepared my bags for my flight I had time to reflect on my first bow kill and the joy and elation it brought me so long ago. I remember how much it meant to me. You know the story of what put a damper on that joy. I wanted very much to put a positive on Joe's accomplishment as a bow hunter.

I came across the pin on a last minute trip to Cabelas and thought it a fitting gift for a first bow kill. It is a special time in young Joe's life and yours, as well. To have you take me aside and thank me for the gesture was special to me. I hope that you and Joe get to share many moments like the one you shared in Wyoming. I take comfort in knowing that I touched the two of you while learning something about myself at the same time.....:)

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I came across the pin on a last minute trip to Cabelas and thought it a fitting gift for a first bow kill. It is a special time in young Joe's life and yours, as well. To have you take me aside and thank me for the gesture was special to me. I hope that you and Joe get to share many moments like the one you shared in Wyoming. I take comfort in knowing that I touched the two of you while learning something about myself at the same time.....:)

Thank - You once again Mike. It truly was a gesture of a Gentleman. Part of You will be hunting with Joe for a long time to come, God Bless You.

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Ahh, your number is a little low. I think you touched quite a few on here. Nice move.

actually, i think quite a few on the forums here are "touched":D:D:D

this is the best post in months, but i did need to add a bit of humor here. i think only those who hunted with me realize all the fun i was having. sure does beat working for a living....

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When I finally got there and met Jim and his son Joe, Joe still had that happy gleam in is eye's .. What a privilege is was for me to meet you and your son Jim ... :cool::cool:

When Steve B. told me of Joe's shot and how he just smoked this goat with his perfect shot, it made me antsy to get my adventure under way .. :);)

Congrats to Joe again on his Trophy Goat ,, :cool:

Way to go on that Pin Mike what a gift .. :cool::)

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