Need Help Fast!!!!!!


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Okay, here's the deal, all...

I go to a $24,000 a year christian University, right? Well, I got a pretty good Fin Aid pkg for $22,851 but $7,000 was loans. My parents made me decline the loans and set me up on a $500/month payment plan. Well, you all know my vehicle/mech troubles and I'm in the hole for that. I have to pay for insurance, stock and a phone plan as well...then there's gas...I cry every time I go to the station! :D:mad::(:o I'm taking 16 credit hours, I'm the President of the Campus Republicans, I'm the outdoors columnist for The Vessel (the campus paper) and am the 9-midnight Friday night DJ for KCFS Radio (campus radio station). On top of all THAT I work on average of 20 hours a week at Sportsman's! I have ZERO time to study, ZERO time to rest and ZEEERRRROOOOO time to hunt (kind of ironic that I'm the outdoors columnist and don't have time to hunt:D:D:D)!!!! I realistically shouldn't be working more than 10 hours at Sportsman's and should have more time to study. Even with all of that, I can't come up with the $500/month which is always due on the 20th.

Sooo...I got a few small loans of like $5,500 for the entire year. My parents didn't co-sign and I did it all on my own with the Fin Aid director here at USF. parents found out, cancelled the loans and didn't tell me they had done that until TODAY THE 19TH!!!!!!!! However, I'm not fully sure that it is cancelled since they didn't co-sign anything. If they were able to access my account then they used my FAFSA number (essentially my signature) and did it by fraud. However, I don't think this is the case. I think they just called over to USF and asked them to do something. I still see the loans on my online Award Certificate, I'm hoping they are still in affect then. If they're not...I don't have the $500 in right now and it will be overwithdrawn.:(:(:( Here's where y'all come in, can my loans be canceled without my signature? Any help would be absolutely fantastic!

Dakota :confused:

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I can't help you with you loan question, but I would imagine if you are over 18, it should be your responsibility only.

But what really concerns me, is you are trying to do to much and your grades are going to suffer. I think you need to re-prioritize your time and probably drop some of the extra curricular activities and concentrate more on your studies. IMOH

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You are spreading yourself too thin!

You need to cut back on some classes to do real good in the ones you take. School comes first and then your comes in to pay for it!

Good luck!

I was in the same shape several years ago. I didn't have enough income but was going to school using the GI bill. Still not enough to pay room and board. I went to school from 8AM to 5PM. Worked from 8PM to midnight 5 days a week. I studied from 6PM to 7PM and on weekends. I made it!

You need to prioritize your schedule better!

Good luck!

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If your parents called and cancelled your loans I'd say they must have been able to do so. I doubt the financial aid department would make a mistake like that.

If so there are other student loans you (any student assuming they are 18) can get that your parents can't touch. It sounds like you need to consider why they don't want you to get any loans?? None of my business, but perhaps your parents??

From your message it sounds like your parents are not helping with your tuition. If you need student loans take them knowing you'll have to pay them back. It's not uncommon for todays graduates to have $20,000.00 or more in student loans. The money is well worth it if it means you'll have a job you will be happy with.

I teach a lot of young adults who come to my office with issues much the same as yours.

I tell them they need to concentarte on their priorities and remember they'll be living with their decisions.

You know what you can handle and what you can't. As you get older you may get married and have kids. Going to school then will probably not be any easier than it now.

Good luck!

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Oh and by the way, you may wonder why I'm complaining to you for over three hours when I could be studying or something. Well, I'm actually at the radio station and am typing in between researching songs, setting up the play list and announcing. I love my job and I'm here til midnight! :D:D:D

Dakota :)

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Why do you take on so much stuff ... that is totally rediculous to put this much stress on you ... you really need to cut back some be a kid .. I mean your not even 20 yet. No they can't cancel your loans but you also are living in there house and I guarantee you as long as you live there its "by there rules" so if they say jump ... well your dang right you jump, after all they raised you.

If they have a hard time letting go I would say its for good reason, I mean lets go over everything they have done for you and been through with you in your very brief young life.

I know you want to be an adult but part of being an adult is responisbilty and if you really think these loans without your parents is the way to go then tell them that. Maybe they have a good reason why you shouldn't have them.

Pick one job you really like, work as much as you can at that one job. Do that job very well and get good at it and develope it into a trade.

Right now you are doing 3 totally different things and for what reason? To pay for school that you can pay for withouth the loans anyhow? Does that really make any sense.

Dakta bud you have to listen to your parents or talk to them about the sisues you have believe me they will understand I know you dont see it right now but trust me they can and will help you. I dont know two ppl who love you more.


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Wow.....first of all like the others said....prioritize! It sounds like you've got way too much on your plate. I also went to a 4 year christian school, though I commuter. I got my FAFSA stuff, financial aid, all that stuff...I've got almost $20,000 in loans to pay off....which I started to at about $100 a month, then they got deferred while I'm in nursing school (which I'm paying out of the pocket because it's a cheap state school and my summer camp job $ pays for it). I think what you need to do is take whatever financial aid/ loans you can get, and worry about it when you get out of college. Get your education so you can get a well paying job you enjoy. You need to make some sacrifices...

The thing with your parents and your loans...there must have been something somewhere allowing them to do that...if not, the financial aid office would have told them no, is my guess.

Pray about it and talk with your parents....

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hey im in the same boat. and if your school is like mine then even if you are under 18 then your parents canot get into your finacial info. as far as your schedual. i had to cut back on the driving as much as i could and find another job. it sounds like writing articles is a job for you, maybe you should start looking for another job. just my 2 cents, im a full time student also and its no cake walk. bummer you cant hunt:(.

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