Stupid question

Guest splitg2

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What are the requirments for boone and crocket and pope and young.

I was told that boone and crocket is 165 and pope and young was 135 is this true.

Does it matter where you live

I am talking about typical deer not sure if it mattersa

Thanks a lot

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Boone & Crockett minimum entry score for a typical is 160" and non-typical is 185". For Pope & Young the minimum entry score for a typical buck is 125" and a non-typical is 155". I don't believe the minimum score changes with what you use or where you got it. Although, before 2004 bow entries taken with a bow more than 65% let-off weren't permitted.

Hope that helps,


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P&Y Typical Whitetail: 125 net score after deductions.

P&Y Non-Typical Whitetail: 155 net score after deductions.

B&C Typical Whitetail: Awards (160) All-Time (170) net score.

B&C Non-Typical Whitetail Awards (185) All-Time (195) net.

Trophies that meet the Awards minimum but not the All-Time minimum will be listed in the Awards book. Trophies that meet the All-Time minimum will be listed in both the Awards book, as well as "Records of North American Big Game."

No high fence animals accepted. 100% fair chase

If more than 65% bow let off is used an "*" shows up in the record book.

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