Squirrel Hunting Team 1...


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I went out today. Woods were pretty beat down with this past weekend being the openning weekend for birds here. I shot one red squirrel - didn't even count it. Tail was maybe 6". I'll be getting into some nice grays and blacks and hopefully a few fox squirrels soon! We also jumped 3 grouse but didn't get a look at any of them.

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  • 2 weeks later...

went out yesterday morning for jr hunt, didnt see a stinkin thing. So, went over to a couple oak trees......... NO ACORNS! the gypsy moths killed all the acorns this summer, hopefully there are some SOMEWHERE?? otherwise, i will only be getting a VERY lucky shot off now and then :(. Oh, well, i guess this is where scouting comes in??!! except, with my leg i cant scout or hunt uphill, soooooooooo...... who knows?? good luck team 1!

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