Is this bad???


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Was listening to the local "Swap Shop" on the radio. It's where people can call in a sell just about whatever they want. Anyway, a lady got on there that was very mad. Apparently, someone had "walked" into her trailer and her son's trailer and took a TV and some video games. She made a couple of threats, told them it wouldn't be so easy next time, that she was tired of catering to druggies and alcoholics and that it was going to stop.

OK, here's the bad part. I felt a strong urge to call Swap Shop and say that I have a TV and some video games for sale, CHEAP. And someone had better jump on this offer because from what I've heard, I won't be able to get anymore.


Just one of those days, I guess.:D

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well, gator, i'll bet i can answer that. the criminals know that the person didn't like guns. me, i'd have pointed a shotgun at them and politely asked them to set my t.v. down and wait for the police to arrive, or i'd make sure that they did something similar. i don't ever want to shoot anyone over a television but i also don't want the criminals to be brazen enough to think that i won't. and yes, i'd take their legs off before i'd let them walk away with my television.

but sorry, mch, while that is funny it would have been cruel to do that on the radio. i'm certain this was just a joke, and it's a moot point as such, so let's just leave it as funny. which it is.

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I guess I should also make it clear that you could tell from the phone call that the caller was basically admitting to befriending the druggies and the alcoholics. It wasn't a frail, old lady doing the complaining. You could definitely tell the caller was probably in the same boat as the people she was complaining about. Hence why I even contemplated calling.:D

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  • 1 year later...
Was listening to the local "Swap Shop" on the radio. It's where people can call in a sell just about whatever they want. Anyway, a lady got on there that was very mad. Apparently, someone had "walked" into her trailer and her son's trailer and took a TV and some video games. She made a couple of threats, told them it wouldn't be so easy next time, that she was tired of catering to druggies and alcoholics and that it was going to stop.

OK, here's the bad part. I felt a strong urge to call Swap Shop and say that I have a TV and some video games for sale, CHEAP. And someone had better jump on this offer because from what I've heard, I won't be able to get anymore.


Just one of those days, I guess.:D

I totally would've called!!!

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I totally would've called!!! about an old thread.:D

I don't know much, but I do know that the above quoted scenario would've never happened.:D

Yep, old thread alright, seems to be a lot of that here lately, kind of tough to weed through what is new and what is old with so much of this old stuff cluttering up the place.:rolleyes:

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