unfamiliar grunt

Guest nitroguy

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Guest nitroguy

Was hunting saturday morning and used a grunt call. Afterwards, i heard a grunt that had the same call pattern like a paliated woodpecker but was grunting. Saw the deer about 60 yards out but sounded like he was in the stand with me. Didn't know a deer could cast his vocals like that.

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I usually do not do a lot of calling real early on in the season, but I have heard woodpeckers often that sound very similar to bucks grunting, and have also heard bucks grunting responding to my calling that I questioned if it was not a woodpecker. Far as casting their grunts, have not ever seen or heard that, but in hilly wooded areas sounds can bounce around and echo some.

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One of the places I used to hunt the deer made these short "URP!" grunts that if I imitated were very effective.

I actually witnessed a deer making this call which is what clued me in to trying to copy it. It was an awesome thing but it seems to have just been a local phenomena. Trying it elsewhere just didn't seem to work.

If you are sure the deer made the noise than for sure try to imitate it. If not, you'll have to experiment to decide.

It could be just a local thing for that area or nothing but a case of mistaken hearing.

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Guest nitroguy

crazylegz, that's what this buck was doing. but I was unaware of the doe next to the tree line. My buddy who was hunting about 70 yards away said he seen the whole thing and told me about the doe being there too.

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