Drawing ducks in

Guest Buckfever1613

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Guest Buckfever1613

On our land in GA there is a marsh/lake where it is about 6 or 7 acres and clear as can be. The rest of the property is heavy cover. At this spot i could only access maybe one spot becuase it has mud in some places and then land if that makes sense.there is an occasional tree broken half way up to. it looks like prime hunting So my question is how do i start getting ducks into the area i want them to be. Do i put corn out untill next season using a feeder or do i just use decoys and calls next year. thanks for your help

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Re: Drawing ducks in

Now for my opinion...

We have a small pond on our property in Northern MN. We manage it as habitat. On any given day there will be 100 wood ducks and mallards on it. There are nest boxes for the woodies and a nest tube for mallards. We also do spread a couple pounds of feed corn along the shore and shallows every day.

We typically do not hunt this pond. There is a blind that we use for "watching" and photographing. However, each fall we do shoot a small handfull of drakes (probably less than six birds a year). Man, there's nothing like a nice corn fed mallard in the roaster.

Sure, we could hunt the pond hard. But we choose not to. We manage this land as habitat for habitat's sake, not for hunting.

It's a personal choice that you'll have to make. You need to be cautious of "baiting" laws. But aside from that, do what you feel is right with your land and always respect the game that you are hunting. If you do that, you're ok in my book.

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Re: Drawing ducks in

Very true clayman---I don't understand why people use food plots---doesn't that defeat the purpose of hunting?!--can someone explain that to me please!! I have never been taught (through my dad-friends-family) to ever use food plots to hunt... Yeah in the off-season (winter time) we put feed out and leave a few rows of corn for the animals but it's not like we put a pile of corn and sit behind a tree with our gun waiting to kill something---I better stop or I will put my foot in my mouth....lol *Takes a deep breathe*

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Re: Drawing ducks in

Well clayman, there is no advocate to play, its federal law so that pretty much ends that discusion. As for baiting deer, no i wouldnt do it. There is no reason to with the amount of corn in our area, its like one giant food plot.

Id suggest asking that in the deerhunting rooms and see what gets going...i bet it wouldnt be pretty.

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Re: Drawing ducks in

There is a difference between a food plot, and baiting. A food plot, is plants(clover, alfalfa, etc) that is planted to attract and feed deer. Also to give them better nutrition than the land around them offers. Baiting, is putting out corn, or salt etc luring a deer to that spot. I agree 100% with food plots. But I am totally against baiting.(unless during the off-season)

I think for luring ducks into your pond, you should consider planting some foods that ducks eat. I can't really help you with what to plant, but you can contact your DNR or local duck bioligist and they will tell you the best stuff.

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Re: Drawing ducks in

A food plot, is plants(clover, alfalfa, etc) that is planted to attract and feed deer. Also to give them better nutrition than the land around them offers. Baiting, is putting out corn, or salt etc luring a deer to that spot. I agree 100% with food plots. But I am totally against baiting.(unless during the off-season)


There is no differance, if you hunt the foodplot you are hunting over bait. You arnt against baiting in the off season. What is the differance in baiting in the off season(feeding and holding deer) and baiting during the season IE. foodplot. They both do the same thing if Im not confused. The thing you may have an argument for is that it gives them better nutrition than the land around them, but what about salt blocks that is a mineral that deer need and if it cant be found around wouldnt it be wise to give them a "FOOD" block.

there is no tip-toeing the line between baiting and food plots there pretty much the same thing if done for hunting and such.

Now if you dont hunt those foodplots then its a differant thing.

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