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He MIGHT break 85 or 90 kind of hard to tell but i think all that trash makes him a MONSTER....that is a cool deer

Tominator is right unless those burr points exceed 1" they do not get scored. To me it looks like most of them won't make that cut. Even if a couple do it won't change the score very significantly at all.

Yep I too think he'll scare either side of 85. But put in perspective, that's great for a 3x3 whitetail. Getting close to 90 inches on a 3x3 is awesome. The scoring systems are weighted heavily in favor of multi-tined bucks. An anemically thin horned young 5x5 that is much smaller in appearance will easily out score a more mature heavy horned 3x3. To me getting any buck that's over 3 1/2 years old is a terrific accomplishment regardless of points and score. Deer don't count each others points, this could indeed have been the boss of the area.

Some big deer contests have a catagory for the biggest 3x3. They recognize not all mature whitetails are 8 or 10pts. It's nice to see these deer get some respect.

Note that regardless of the fact he only has two scoreable typical tines per antler, you still get to take all four circumfirences per antler. Read through the scoring instructions to get the right locations for taking these measurements. You will need a cable to do it right on that deer.

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