Paintball Scent Balls

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Found a new product that help's to overcome ground disturbance. All the best scent's in the world can't work properly if you have to walk out to dispence it. What happens is called ground disturbance. Our big feet breaks twigs grasses and the like that create an invisible scent track that the monster bucks know very well. This is a paintball with scent that you fire with a paintball gun or shoot it with a wristrocket. No more ground disturbance that the big bucks pick up on. It's called Scent Burst and can be aqquired on E-Bay. Awesome product. Works for me.

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ya but then you got the sound of a paint ball gun or a sling shot going off. and i belive in michigan if you are attempting to take deer during archery only season then you are not alowed to have a fire arm on you unless u have a CCW (Carry Concealed Weapon) and i also belive that a paint ball gun would fall under that, and you would have the sound of the impact of the ball breaking or do they break extra quiet and do they freeze like paint balls can on cold days.??

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Not a lot of noise fron a slingshot. I get to my area and shoot a few before i get up in my treestand. I am in my stand 1/2 hour or more before the deer come through in my area. Have shoot some huge bucks as have my freinds. Can't say for SURE, these things are what's making our succsess rate go up. But i will say you won't catch me hunting without them. I belive it's the ground disturbance thing that is working. Several years ago i'm in my stand for 3 1/2 hrs. with all the scent killing things and gear. This monster of a hog comes totaly from the wrong direction and gets to my trail i walked into my stand. He stops, the hair on the back of his neck rises, he turns 90 degrees and walks off. Won't even cross the trail i walked to get to my stand. Now this trail is not a well used trail. It's my own trail to get to that stand. I stayed off the "trails" knowing deer would be using those.No other hunter's in the area and on private land. All i know is tis stuff works.

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Yea sounds fishy to me too. Ok so you say the deer walked to your TRAIL that you used to enter your STAND? Hmm pretty sure that has happend to everyone.. so whats so great about this... Shouldn't this be posted under a different topic anyway? Sounds like a scam to me. I'm sure there are a few that wouldn't mind seeing a banning lol

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Hahahaha crazylegs you crack me up!! And thats all i'm gonna say because I just had to backspace a bunch of stuff that would of prolly got me banned. Holy cow I think i'm actually learning how to behave hahaha jk.:D:D

But is this seriously for real? Cuz I just came up with the idea of goin to wallyworld and gettin some lil kids icecube trays and freezing some deer urine and shooting it out of my slingshot or throwing them out of my stand. Anyone? Anyone? going once going twice gone..... :D:D:D:D

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Hahahaha crazylegs you crack me up!! And thats all i'm gonna say because I just had to backspace a bunch of stuff that would of prolly got me banned. Holy cow I think i'm actually learning how to behave hahaha jk.:D:D

But is this seriously for real? Cuz I just came up with the idea of goin to wallyworld and gettin some lil kids icecube trays and freezing some deer urine and shooting it out of my slingshot or throwing them out of my stand. Anyone? Anyone? going once going twice gone..... :D:D:D:D

Time released scent icecubes!!!!! w000:D

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BAN HIM>>>>>BAN HIM>>>>>>THE PEOPLE CHANT've got to admire the guys effort to sell to a likely group of I dont know if he deserves that much.

Trying to skirt around the rules of the "Classified's" section of the forums is a definite...a stern warning from the Moderator of the "BOWHUNTING FORUM" should be a strong possibility...or let Swampy take care of him:D



* Be a contributing member of the forums for more than a period of 0ne month, AND have a post count greater than 20, OR have the referral of an upstanding member of the forums. This is to curb one time posters in the classifieds only. Realtree may delete the content of any such ads, at its sole discretion.

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I do see how this could be beneficial if the wind changes up on you after you are in your stand. Just launch a couple "scent rockets" downwind and you are covered again. I have pulled off tree bark and dripped a bit of scent on it and tossed it down wind to get a little cover. Maybe not the whole paintball gun but someone is trying to be inovative none the less! Disclamer, I promise I am not with this guy trying to sell anything, just playing devil's advocate :D

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Thought I saw this somewhere else...found in the Scent Control Research sticky thread at the top. :rolleyes: Interesting...hope crazylegz can keep it together long enough to get to ebay and get him some "Scent Burst!"

icon14.gifScent control

Found a new product that help's to overcome ground disturbance. All the best scent's in the world can't work properly if you have to walk out to dispence it. What happens is called ground disturbance. Our big feet breaks twigs grasses and the like that create an invisible scent track that the monster bucks know very well. This is a paintball with scent that you fire with a paintball gun or shoot it with a wristrocket. No more ground disturbance that the big bucks pick up on. It's called Scent Burst and can be aqquired on E-Bay. Awesome product. Works for me.

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Alright now folks......First, i'm not selling anything here. Second,i'm new to this site and still can't figure out how to post a picture. Hey Brown could you help me out again? Went out yesterday ans shot some apple scent out. Only saw 4-pointer, twin spikes and some does. Just before lunch a coyote came in and smell all around the area where the apple scent was. He didn't bust out , just sniffed far 30-40 seconds and was on his way. I really don't mind if some people don't like the idea, i was just trying to show a different approch to laying out scent. As soon as i figure out how to post a picture,i will. Good Luck to all fellow hunters.

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