randyoitker1 Posted September 30, 2008 Report Share Posted September 30, 2008 This weekend I performed for the Sportsmans Channel National Hunting and Fishing Day event. I spent a lot of time hanging out with all of the staff that make things happen at the Sportsman Channel. They are such a great bunch of people that they have offered to help me with any production issues or filming problems I might have. A lot of my sponsors have been wanting me to produce a TV show again. I would host, edit and produce it but I can't make a whole action packed show with only myself hunting. I want to involve my friends and family. I received a lot of response from the members on the antelope hunt who sent me their permission to use their pics. and stories in National Bowhunter magazine.I thought that since a lot of people on here would like to be on TV, I could possibly help make it happen. I have come up with an idea that I think would be great and it would invlove all of the Realtree forum members. I would like to have this show ready for next years line up. I know that we already have many hunts with members lined up in Alaska and WY. We have some going on other hunts this year. I realize that not everyone can go to the large hunts.So,maybe we could go to one of the members place to hunt and film.If we all helped each other with filming or if you have a hunt already on film we could use it. I can edit and put it together for the show.I think that this could be as good as Dream Season because we the members can make the show.I think with everyone participating that wants to , we can make it happen. I just wanted to kick around the idea and see what everyones thoughts were. Please give me some feedback and let me know what you think. I am thinking first or second quarter by next year. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HOYTnMUZZYboy Posted September 30, 2008 Report Share Posted September 30, 2008 COUNT ME IN!! :D I should have some 150- 170 class whitetails on film this year. I'm actually going to be doing some filming for a few forum members this year. So I could also send in that footage if they don't have a problem with it. I just finished a practice editing session on the software I have had but never used. It went pretty good and actually turned out very nice. Even turned out alil better then some of the amature shows on some of the channels. But count me in! If you need any help Randy I wouldn't think twice about make'n the trip down, since your not far from where i'm from it wouldn't be any problem at all. PM me if you wanna talk more. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
toddyboman Posted September 30, 2008 Report Share Posted September 30, 2008 Sounds like a great idea.....I take my camera and camera arm with me to the woods every time.....but often I am video man and the hunter....so its a challenge to say the least to get it all. But if I get something good I will send it your way. If any forum members are near by I am willing to filming your hunts with you..... If you need any help Randy let me know....As you know you're just across the river from me Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
stevebeilgard Posted September 30, 2008 Report Share Posted September 30, 2008 i'm working with scott right now on a show with that same idea, randy. we'll work it out.... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
okiedog Posted September 30, 2008 Report Share Posted September 30, 2008 Awesome idea! I look forward to seeing how this comes together. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Andrea Posted September 30, 2008 Report Share Posted September 30, 2008 Well, come on down.......I'll be ready to hunt on Thanksgiving all the way thru the end of February. Sounds like a great idea. Be neat to see forum members on tv. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MUDRUNNER Posted September 30, 2008 Report Share Posted September 30, 2008 That's a great idea Randy!Sounds like your on to something. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rhino Posted September 30, 2008 Report Share Posted September 30, 2008 Cool Randy. Hope you and Steve get together and work out a game plan. What are you going to call it...Hunting with Real People? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GWSmith Posted September 30, 2008 Report Share Posted September 30, 2008 Awesome idea! I look forward to seeing how this comes together. I'm interested too...I'd like to see good quality hunts as well. Not just slammers but does being harvested too. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
toddyboman Posted September 30, 2008 Report Share Posted September 30, 2008 C What are you going to call it...Hunting with Real People? Now there is a good title:cool: Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
wtnhunt Posted September 30, 2008 Report Share Posted September 30, 2008 Sounds pretty cool Randy. Was just a 2.5 year old buck, but I did manage to get footage of my ml kill last year, and am trying to tape my own archery hunts this year, which is proving so far to be a bit of a challenge by myself. Season just opened and not seeing any mature bucks here yet, but hopefully will get one to cooperate and maybe manage to get it on film. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
slughunter Posted September 30, 2008 Report Share Posted September 30, 2008 Sounds like a good idea to me. I always have the video camera with me and now that I have my buck out of the way I will be doing a lot more videoing. I know there are quite a few forum members in lower WI. It would be nice to team up with them to get some footage on the ground. -shane Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
IowaDeerHunter Posted September 30, 2008 Report Share Posted September 30, 2008 Sounds cool. Since this will be on TV will a professional camera be required? (3CCD) Or will any video do? Also will this show have one hunt per episode or multiple hunts? For example some shows show just the kill shots with very little leading up to it and not much after it. And then you have others like Freaks that show year round work that went into harvesting a buck. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
randyoitker1 Posted September 30, 2008 Author Report Share Posted September 30, 2008 It depends on how the hunt is put together. Like, I want to inform people of how we got to the point of the harvest.Like the temperature,wind,stand placement, outfitter or public ground. Different things will make up the show.I am sure that it will get better as we work together.As of right now, the cameras are not going to have to be 1080i or 3CCD. Coming in 2009, HD will be required. I talked with one of their cameraman and he told me that there are ways of formating video into HD. So I will try my best to work with what you send. That is why I got so pumped when the Sportsman Channel said they would help me with video issues. One of the main things that we need to know is about sound. Sound can be messed up by the wind and there is no way of clearing that up unless we use subtitles.Another thing is that a lot of the inexpensive cameras film great but people try to freehand them . You need to have a camera arm or a tripod when filming. The cheaper cameras will not take out the shake, so tripods,camera arms or a person with a very steady hand should be used. If you watch Memories in the field, some of the film is very good and some isn't. Some people buy expensive TV quality cameras to film with but that is not what i want.I don't want you having to spend your hard earned money on an expensive camera.That is why I want to help you learn how to use an inexpensive camera and make it work. I have a professional camera and my dad is still learning everyday something new about it. The main thing I have learned from talking with people across the country is they are not concerned about the video looking like Hollywood. They want good exciting hunts with real people in real situations . They are tired of the whack em and stack em 2 minute hunts where some one shoots a 200 inch buck but you don't know how it went down. The number one thing that I don't want, is to come across like a know it all. I want to work with everybody and answer you individually if you need to know something and I want to try and give you all the info that I can to help. I will try to check daily to see what you need to know. Ask me whatever you need too and I will help you as much as I can. Randy Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
IowaDeerHunter Posted September 30, 2008 Report Share Posted September 30, 2008 Randy, in 2009 what will require HD? The sportsmans channel? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
toddyboman Posted September 30, 2008 Report Share Posted September 30, 2008 One of the main things that we need to know is about sound. Sound can be messed up by the wind and there is no way of clearing that up unless we use subtitles. So should a wireless mic or some other type of mic be used??? Something more than what comes on the camera. You need to have a camera arm or a tripod when filming. The cheaper cameras will not take out the shake, so tripods,camera arms or a person with a very steady hand should be used. GREAT point there!!! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
slughunter Posted September 30, 2008 Report Share Posted September 30, 2008 So is this something that you want us to start working on now? getting footage taken? or is it still just a maybe? -shane Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
randyoitker1 Posted September 30, 2008 Author Report Share Posted September 30, 2008 Yes, The Sportsman Channel and the Outdoor Channel will all be HD but they told me they can format our video in the needed HD format. I film in HD but not everyone has HD. There are a lot of pro cameras on the market for sale now because people are trying to sell them because of the new HD rules. I want to try to make it possible for everyone to get involved. It won't improve the quailty when they format it to HD but it will be formated so that it can air. Thanks, Randy Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
randyoitker1 Posted September 30, 2008 Author Report Share Posted September 30, 2008 Right now most people are filming in dv or dvcamHD , some are on disc or card camera. But most of the hunting channels convert all of this high technolgy back down to beta format.Most of the channels, sometime in 2009 are going to upgrade to high quality digital but just like your TV there are going to be ways of upgrading your video to work on digital so I am told. So I am going to try and work with them on using whatever is submitted to me. It is amazing what can be done in the editing rooms. Editing budgets sometimes determine the quality of a show. As you progress with a show things get better so you have better equipment available for use from sponsorship if they like what is being done.The one thing that most people don't understand is most money that is collected from sponsors is ate up with air time, production and editing costs. That is why I am working myself and having them help . Most of the TV channels are so bombbarded with people wanting their own TV shows that now it comes down to having a show good enough to be accepted on their channel. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
wtnhunt Posted September 30, 2008 Report Share Posted September 30, 2008 They are tired of the whack em and stack em 2 minute hunts where some one shoots a 200 inch buck but you don't know how it went down. LOL, guess my last years opening morning self filmed ml hunt might not be too far from what you are looking for after all. Decent backyard buck for these parts. This is a way cut down version. I did follow up blood on the ground with the camera, but it was a bit shaky and I edited just about all of that out. Had to cut the clip way down to put it online. Maybe I can do a bit better this year. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
VermontHunter Posted September 30, 2008 Report Share Posted September 30, 2008 I'd Say that's a super job William ... I enjoyed that clip ... Makes me wish I could afford a video camera ,,, I've got few does that are going to catch some arrows this fall .. :D VT doesn't have much to offer far as big racked bucks ,,, :( Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ildrhntr Posted September 30, 2008 Report Share Posted September 30, 2008 I would like to give it a try. We bought a camera arm last fall after season and have been practicing with it this summer. Going to try and get some footage this week. Count me in. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Buckslayer Posted September 30, 2008 Report Share Posted September 30, 2008 I'd Say that's a super job William ... I enjoyed that clip ... Yeah that was an exciting hunt William, very realistic. Something i could see happening to me, not just some guy with a huge travel budget. I have no video editing experience, but do have some filming experience. There are a bunch of PA guys on here, we could probably arrange a few hunts from this neck of the woods. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GWSmith Posted September 30, 2008 Report Share Posted September 30, 2008 Yeah that was an exciting hunt William, very realistic. Something i could see happening to me, not just some guy with a huge travel budget. I have no video editing experience, but do have some filming experience...... Loved It!!!!!!!!! Thank You William;) I have the camera arm for treestand use, tripod, and some filming experience if someone from my area wants a cameraman, and has the camera, I'd be happy to film for them! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ruttinbuc Posted September 30, 2008 Report Share Posted September 30, 2008 I think it is a great idea Randy. I have dabbled in taking and editing my own video in the past. It can be quite a challenge. It has become very competitive in the digital world we live in. Everyone seems to wants to be on YouTube today. One thing people need to remember is to have fun with it and realize that you are hunting first. You get so wrapped up in the filming that the hunting suffers. It takes a lot to get it done right. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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