Things your greatfull for?


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Ok, so I have been reading a few posts on here and it really got me thinking... There is things in life were handed, good and bad. I would like everyone to stop and think about a few things your greatfull for. I think we get so caught up in this everyday world and not realize what we have, or how good we have it, just to have a family that loves us for who we are or to just be healthy. So please just take a few minutes and share 2 or 3 things your greatfull for.

Here are just a few of mine...

1. To have a family that loves and cares for me.

2. To have friends that I know would give me the shirt off there back if I needed one.

3. I'm also very greatfull for my Dad getting me involved in the outdoors. It's taught me many many things and helped me grown in to the man I am today.

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Good post, makes us stop and think how lucky we all are. ;)

Mine are pretty much the same as your's. I can't say enough about my family, especially my parents. They've gotta be the most caring and most understanding people I know, I can talk to them about anything, they always support me through good times and bad times and are always willing to help me no matter what. I can't say enough good things about them.

Another thing is my job, I'm very happy where I work and I love what I do! I can't imagine getting up and not wanting to go to work because you hate your job. I wake up every day raring to go! I can't wait to get there and be challenged by all of this new technology and be with my co-workers. They're like a second family to me.

Another thing to be thankful for is the countries we live in. After seeing stuff on the news about all these countries overseas and how a lot of people have to live life in poverty, it makes us realize how lucky we are in North America of what we have.

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I'm greatful for my relation ship with Jesus Christ

THe family he's blessed me with.

Being fortunate to have been born in this country.

My health, I just thanked the good lord the other day that I had

a strong enough back to still be cutting and splitting fire wood to

help beat the energy cost.

Most of all I'm greatful that God has extended the grace to me he has

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God, family and great friends.

you hit the nail square on the head here, andrea.:)
Yep, I have to agree.

As far as less obvious items that I am thankful for:

1. All of God's great table fare that lives in our forest.

2. I've been fortunate enough to experience other states and hunt/fish in them and learn different ways to do such.

3. I'm thankful to my parents for not giving up on me as a teenager and helping me through a very rough few years when they could have just given up. :o:)

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Going with the majority, I know... but, God and how he's provided for and helped me so much in life. My family and friends (who can get by without them in this world, right??) A decent job and potential for a better job in the future to provide for a family. The outdoors and all the beauty in this world I can appreciate everyday.

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