Blackpowder Kansas

Guest dbullelk

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Guest dbullelk

I just got back from a 5 day blackpowder hunt in Kansas. I hunted on some private land and some walk in hunting land as well. Sunday before the season started I saw a 170 to 180 class 13 point buck with a massive set of antlers. I passed up several smaller 140 class deer hunting him, but ended up going home empty handed. Just waiting for the chance at the big one. I guess you won't ever shoot a world class deer by shooting those small ones.

One thing I like about Kansas is that they will allow you to use the the blackpowder tag during the regular rifle season in December. That is unlike most greedy Western states.

I just wanted to say here that people in Kansas are just about the nicest bunch of folks I have ever met. I had several people offer to let me hunt on their "ground". I literally saw one of the biggest deer in my life in Kansas. I wished there were more folks here in Texas like the good folks in Kansas. Thanks, and I'll be back in December after my Montana muley hunt.

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