opening day looks great!!!


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tomorrow is the first day of ML season and I have a mule buck tag, tonight I went out with the bow just sort of spotting for tomorrow before work, [i wll have about 2 hours to hunt] I spotted a good 175-180 class buck that did the sneak at 20 yards not giving me a broadside shot, might be telling me something becouse just at dark I drove by my spot were I had the super wide non typ I hunted last year and there he was in the pea field, I figured last year he was a 220 class but looked way smaller this year the past few times I seen him, my buddy who was with me said he is a 200 inch deer, he is a B&C scorer and said If I do not go after him he is admitting me into ward lol, just got off with a rancher and he says he seen him this am just across the road in a pea field, I am so exited you can not beleive it, thsi deer has been haunting me for 14 months and now it might end, btw i even cheated I borrowed a buddies inline just so I can extend the range, i always said I would not becouse its like a rifle I like the old ball and powder but I guess thsi deer has brought out the worse in me lol!!! Let you know at dinner how things went!!! hopefully pics!!!

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no pics tonight, this am he was at the far end of the pea filed, I tried to amke a stalk but could not get within 300 yards so I called it a morning and let him bed down, tonight I knew the area he bedded so went and sat on a fence line, just as the sun was setting the 2 bucks came out of a slough at 750 yards, fed for a while and started my direction, I checked the clock I had 27 minutes left to hunt, I worked in front of him as fast but as carefull as I could got to a knoll and he was 242 yards, my buddy said he has taken a speed goat at 250 but even with the hammer cocked and cross hairs just over his back I decided not to shoot, one of the hardest decisions ever but never shooting it over 200 yards I did not want to wound him he was feeding and me stuck there for about 5 minutes till he dropped in a low spot and I made my way there to the hill top, I crawled over and ranged the far hill and it was 194, I know at 200 clean the gun drops 11 inches, and he came up, right were I ranged, I tried to get the scope on him but could just not see good enough looking into the west, I still had 5 minutes of legal time left but was to dark to know exactly were to shoot so I watched them trot over the hill, I do not think they are scared becouse the slowly left, hopefully tomorrow night he is back there after I get my daughters full, we spotted 3 160-175 class bucks 2 miles from town tonight, perfect deer for her,hoping to get hers at 530 and mne by 7 tomorrow night lol!! keep you posted!!!

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