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hey guys, i know my last post was basically the same as this but ive done a little more thinking since

my dad has a remington woodsmaster 740 in a 30-06

now i love the look and the semi-auto loading action, and as im looking around i see there are very few semi-autos out there

on there is a woodsmaster 750 that looks just like my dads, and my question is #1 are there any other semi-autos that im missing and #2 which caliber out of 243,270,30-06, or 308 should i go for?

again i know very similar to my last post but this has been floating around in my head for the past few days :rolleyes:

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Any of those calibers will work on deer. I hunt with a ,270, have for several years and it has been effective for me, I would not hesititate to buy another .270 if I was buying a gun primarily for deer. Far as options in semi auto's, there are other gun manufacturers who have semi auto's aside from remington, browning BAR's quickly come to mind.

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Pretty much any of the cals listed would do the trick. Are you only going to hunt whitetail? Are you looking at hunting Elk or any other large animal? Could this potentially be a varmint gun?

All of those factors will play into the cal. Personally I dont think you can beat a .30-06. However, the .270 and .308 tie in at second. Its a personal preference thing.

But dont rule out the .243. It makes a great small to medium game round. Its just not as forgiving in deer sized game. Still, my favorite of my rifles is chambered in .243. I also hand load more for the .243 than any other cal.

As far as rifles, William covered the only other one I was thinking about. Brownings are more expensive though. Personally, ive had the autoloading Remingtons. I like them. Youre not going to shoot comps with them but for hunting they are great rifles! Heavy but deadly.

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Last year I bought the new Short-Trac BAR in .308. I have been very happy with the it, I am a Lefty, so it suits me well. Mine is in Mossy OAK finish with the Duratouch stock and it's way lighter than the old BARS. It is pretty respectable accuracy wise 1-1.5 @ 100 with Federal 150gr NBT.

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