Te Bail Out Part #1


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Guest bowhunter/ms

It is very sad whats happening to the US right now its effecting us too but not as much as you guys.

Can I just say i hope things do get better. Do you reckon the bailout is the answer? Its alot of money.

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Guest bowhunter/ms

Im an civillian aircraft marshaller and I've felt the effects. I've had 3 airlines go bust on me in a matter of months and this isn't the end of it.

Gas is almost $10 per gallon, living costs are up.

Inflation here is almost 5%

Its gettin' beyond ridiculous, and thats not all.

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Im an civillian aircraft marshaller and I've felt the effects. I've had 3 airlines go bust on me in a matter of months and this isn't the end of it.

Gas is almost $10 per gallon, living costs are up.

Inflation here is almost 5%

Its gettin' beyond ridiculous, and thats not all.

obama said months ago that he expects $12.00 per gallon gas here. and, if elected, i think he's correct. the dems want to kill the goose that lays the golden eggs.:o:(

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obama said months ago that he expects $12.00 per gallon gas here.

I remember that very well too Steve. Shame that more American voters either did not hear it or do not also see it.

From what I am getting this morning, the bailout has been passed in the senate and goes to the house where it is expected to pass Friday. Would have thought the markets would have responded better on this news. I really did/do not like the idea of a bailout, however I think something needs done and hope that with whatever the outcome that there will be some investigations and charges pursued against those who are responsible for the failures that caused this.

Here is a link to the latest story I am aware of on the bailout right now http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,431608,00.html

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I remember that very well too Steve. Shame that more American voters either did not hear it or do not also see it.

From what I am getting this morning, the bailout has been passed in the senate and goes to the house where it is expected to pass Friday. Would have thought the markets would have responded better on this news. I really did/do not like the idea of a bailout, however I think something needs done and hope that with whatever the outcome that there will be some investigations and charges pursued against those who are responsible for the failures that caused this.

Here is a link to the latest story I am aware of on the bailout right now http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,431608,00.html

Excellent link!

Both presidential candidates voted for the bill against the popular opinion of their voters on both sides in the face of an upcoming election. That's pretty significant in my book.

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