Video from my treestand

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Everything was looking pretty good this morning,I had these 2 nice does come in. Then the neighbor decided to spread manure on the field all day so I was done. We are going to try a different spot tomorrow. I don't shoot does on our property,because we are trying to build the herd up. Our neighbors shoot anything that walks and it has cut our population down.

Here is a link to what I saw this morning.

This was filmed in HD so,

Click High Quality for the video to be clear.

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Sometimes I think that we should shoot does on my parents land to practice good deer management. The problem is as soon as we say ok we will it won't be as controlled as we like. We'll have everyone that comes and hunts there shooting them and then in a few years I think there'd be very few deer. Others around us shoot whatever they see, so us not shooting any does seems to work out. What I'm trying to get past is having less people shooting 1 1/2 and 2 1/2 yr old deer. I don't think I've ever seen a buck in the area that was at its prime or close to 5 1/2 yrs old.

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I have been hunting for a doe almost three weeks here and can't get one close. Well I did have a couple but managed to spook them both. Bucks on the other hand. Never had so many shot opportunities early. Dinks mostly.

OH...Love that HD there, Randy. Was your dad out with you doing the filming? Great clip...:)

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