Another Auction Item


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I have 2 hats ...

Yes one of the hats is the Bucks for Buckee hat brand new never been worn. Nows your chance to get one of these hats.

We will start the bidding at 15.00 Item #1

I also have one navy blue realtree hat. bidding starts at 15.00 Item #2

I have a realtree "back straps" taste great, tee shirt. bidding on this is 15.00 Item #3

I'll also throw in a new pair of whitewater, rain blocker therm more gloves. these are the pro series warm gloves, unused. Bidding starts at 25.00 Item #4

These items are donated by our own Steve Beilgard

I am posting for him since he's prety busy with his Show and Tell and all :D


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Hey Steve you can put me down for a $30 bid on item number 1 the bucks for buckee hat.

Can also put me down for $30 on item number 3 backstrap taste great t shirt.

Would like to know the size of the shirt too. If it is too small for me, can always give it to the wife or the kids.

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