Interrracial Relationship Answers:


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Interracial relationships:

I have read over 100 replies to this topic.

Some of our members are racists.

Some of our members are trying their best to be so politically correct that their condescending attitudes are starting to show ignorance.

Not one reply has been from a member that is in, or has been in a relationship with a person of another race.

I will be more than happy to answer your questions, if your questions are put in a manner that can qualify an answer.

I have been happily married to the same wife for almost 36 years.

She is from the Philippines.

We have raised two great children to be happy, productive, intelligent, and loving adults.

I am very proud of both of my kids.

The question was raised about the teasing, taunting, or other humiliating things that the children could endure in their school.

I think you must remember that children act the way they are taught, and that all kids can be very cruel. I am sure my children did not get any more teasing than a white kid that was overweight; the red-headed kid with tons of freckles; the skinny kid who could never climb the rope in gym class; the kid who can’t learn to read; or the one known to the other students as the crybaby, or the tattletale; the kid with the coke-bottle glasses; or the one with acne the kids referred to as pizza face.

Are you teaching your kids to accept bad manners or cruel behavior?

I think we must remember that kids are tougher than we sometimes give them credit, and at the same time can be more fragile than we ever imagined.

I can remember when I put in my request to the base commander to marry a Foreign National.

It came back disapproved.

My request was disapproved by the Base Chaplin, the Base Commander, the Division Officer, and the Division Chief so many times that it took more than a year and a half to finally get all the approvals.

That gave us both a lot of time to think about the commitment we were making to each other before we got married.

We were sure about what we were getting into.

Although more than 50% of all marriages end in divorce, the rate of divorce for mixed race couples is more like 90%. We beat the odds through love, understanding, committal, and communication.

Okay guys and gals, bring on your questions.

You won’t hurt my feelings.

I would much rather answer your questions than read some of your uninformed replies that show you do not know what you are talking about.


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Re: Interrracial Relationship Answers:

You see, here's the whole problem. The original post asked what was your "opinion" about the subject - you can't ask an opinion and expect to give an answer. Two wrongs don't make a right and two rights don't make a wrong.

And in the case of this particular thread, a few idiots don't speak for the whole bunch!

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Re: Interrracial Relationship Answers:

We do not all have to nor will we all agree on issues such as this. Different upbringings in different parts of the country and different exposures to different life situations make us all unique and it would be ignorant to ask a question and expect with what was asked for everyone to say what you want to hear.

I was not going to bring this into this,but since you bring up your experience I will mine. I personally know a little about mixed couples relationships as my sister is involved with a worthless piece of crap white trash who has in fact been married 2 or 3 times to different black women and my sister is at this point supporting him and his 4 kids from his past marriages. So YES I do personally have some experience with this firsthand and I do see it for what it is. While I have nothing against the kids, I despise this freeloading piece of garbage. He is exactly what Mike(treestandbowhunter) referred to as a thug.

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Re: Interrracial Relationship Answers:

I agree with you Buckee..

AND.. I have dated outside my race (Before I got married) and never once had a bad experience.

You see, marriage is not about race, it is about a life partner.. In my belief it is of the opposite sex and I found mine..

We could have another thread about couples in the same age bracket.. I am 42, my wife is 55..what do you all say about that?

I will tell you one thing, she is my best friend and I can not think of spending my life with anyone else in the whole world..except for, well, Buckee, show them the picture of my OTHER woman... grin.gif

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Re: Interrracial Relationship Answers:


Hmmm, I see buckee, it's ok for you to so easily judge my family as racist, but it's wrong for people to recognize differences that won't mix well in a family. Also, I guess it's wrong to follow the rules and values of your culture? YOU ARE FROM CANADA, I AM FROM ARKANSAS, IT IS DIFFERENT DOWN HERE!

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I've been to is only different with some folks.. I can tell you that for sure.

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Re: Interrracial Relationship Answers:

I don't want to burst your bubble popgun, but when most people think of interracial relationships they're talking about Black and White. (Most of the time)

One of my students dad is very racist and will not allow his daughter to even bring a black friend to thier house. But she is currently dating a Mexican, and has dated a Laocian (sp?) and he sees nothing wrong with it.

I don't want to make light of anything you've delt with. But I don't think that is what most people see as interracial. Even though it is.

BTW I'm 1 64th black. One of my great gradpa's back there was a slave named Shadrack Dempsy. He was named after his master in SC.

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Re: Interrracial Relationship Answers:




interracial relationships cause a lot of hurt.

[/ QUOTE ]'s racism from those around you, that cause the hurt, not the relationship.

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Hmmm, I see buckee, it's ok for you to so easily judge my family as racist, but it's wrong for people to recognize differences that won't mix well in a family. Also, I guess it's wrong to follow the rules and values of your culture? YOU ARE FROM CANADA, I AM FROM ARKANSAS, IT IS DIFFERENT DOWN HERE!

[/ QUOTE ]

OK, first off, you made the statement that "interracial relationships cause a lot of hurt." Now that is a pretty dang broad statement to make.

Then you say I'm judging your family and defend yourself by saying "but it's wrong for people to recognize differences that won't mix well in a family. Also, I guess it's wrong to follow the rules and values of your culture?"

With all due respect, since you have had to deal with this first hand, in your family...could you give me some examples of some of the cultural differences and the rules and values of your culture, that caused you to have the opinion that all interracial relationships cause a lot of hurt ????

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Re: Interrracial Relationship Answers:

OK..I've stayed behind the scene's long enough and will throw in my 2 cent's on the topic now, While I was in the service I had the pleasure of meeting and serving with all diffrent kinds kinds of people...and I have come to only but one conclusion we all bleed red and when some one mentions race to me I have always refered it to mean HUMAN RACE becuase in my eye's that's what we all are until we bring ourselfs to committ some type of hanis act that doesn't deserve the title HUMAN...and to answer one question that was put forth to another member of this forum and that is was if I had a duaghter would I let her have a realtionship with a Black or other colored skined human betcha I would as long as he/she respected and loved one another and who are we to tell our offspring what they can and can't do with their adult lives, aren't we suppose to have unconditional love for our children and support them in any way we can....Just my 2 cents for what it's worth and POPGUN I to commend you on your excellant post..

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Re: Interrracial Relationship Answers:

Let me defend my young friend here. I do understand and agree with alot of what he is saying here. I'm just not sure he put it in a very "tasty" way.

I havn't been to Canada, so I can't speek for you buckee. I have been up North a few times and I can say this about racism. It is everywhere, but it's not the same everywhere. The North's racism except for the Illinios Nazi's is pretty much an in the closet, behind closed doors kind of racism. People don't say anything in the open about it, but when you get them in private and it's all there.

In the north a black man with a white woman may not notice anything in the mall, but there will be a number of people talking under thier breath or snickering after they walk by.

It is more open and prevelant down here. In the south the same couple would probibly at least get some coments, probibly threats and posiblly a confrintation. There is a town nearby where there are still warnings that say Ni---- don't let the sun go down on you. When I took my band there for a football game the kids were called everything you could think of. The team could hear the line crew telling racial jokes during the game. It was the worst thing I've ever seen. It makes me almost not like white folks and I'm 63/64ths white.

He is right about this. This is not a good place to be in an interracial relationship. I'm not proud of it, but it's the truth.

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Re: Interrracial Relationship Answers:

It would have made more sence then if razorbucks would have said "interracial relationships cause a lot of hurt around this neck of the woods, because this area reeks with racism."

Not too sure why you (razorbucks) accused me of judging you and your family for making an honest and true statement, that you just agreed with. confused.gif

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Re: Interracial Relationship Answers:

The world is in real need of a "wake up call".

I will admit that racism exists and is a problem in some areas.

Those who snicker and whisper at the mixed couple with their children at the local mall are the same who snicker at the obese white woman wearing the Daisy Duke pants.

These people just have no manners and would snicker at the blind man, or someone who has had severe burns, or any other deformity. These people have no manners. The "normal" white kids with too many freckles, and the other "normals" I mentioned earlier would still get snickered at behind their backs by ill-mannered fools.

As the world changes, so will the appearance of the worlds inhabitants.

If we teach the children of today that "mankind" is simply mankind, the viewpoints will change.

We need to change the way we refer to each other in conversation. "I talked to a man today about a car he had for sale", not, "I talked to a black man today about a car he had for sale." .....popgun

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Re: Interrracial Relationship Answers:


buckee, my area doesn't "reek" of anything. I really can't understand why you want to make assumtions about somewhere you don't live. That's like me saying that Canada "reeks" with liberalism. You probably don't like me saying that. Why don't you deal with Canada and I'll deal with Arkansas. How bout that.

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Let's all just get along here boys. I could be wrong here, but I'm guessing buckee's "reeking" coment came from my post. I know up on the hill (that's NW Arkasas, a totally different state altogether) it's not as bad as it is here.

It reeks here. It's about as bad as you could imagine just 20 milse from where I'm sitting.

buckee's a pretty good guy with his heart in the right place. I'm sure if you don't pass judgment too soon you will learn to respect and value his opinions as I have on here.

As far as not reeking of anything. I would bet you if you went about 20 miles up to Rogers, you could get a good idea of what chicken poop smells like. grin.gif

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Re: Interrracial Relationship Answers:

You missed my point all together razorbucks !!!

I never called you or your family racist and I suggest you go back and read your posts and my posts again. And while your at it, read johnf's post again and your reply to it.

Johnf elaborated on the fact that the south in many places still reeks with racism and you thanked him for his post, and yet you condemn me for saying much less.

I don't get it ????


I really can't understand why you want to make assumtions about somewhere you don't live.

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Well then would you mind answering my post and explain in your own words some of the cultural differences and the rules and values of your culture, that caused you to have the opinion that all interracial relationships cause a lot of hurt ????


my area doesn't "reek" of anything.

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If it's not racism then what is it?...explain please .

I'm not accusing you of being a racist, I'm just trying to understand your blanket statement that "interracial relationships cause a lot of hurt."

Johnf says it is racism and you thanked him....I say it is rasism and you condemn me.....what's up with that ???

And yes...Canada does "reek" with liberalism


Why don't you deal with Canada and I'll deal with Arkansas. How bout that.

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Is it because I'm a Canadian ?? ...get over it crazy.gif

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Re: Interrracial Relationship Answers:


It's like an unwritten rule that whites date and blacks date blacks. I don't really see it as racism

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I hate to be the one to wake you up my friend, but that is racism. You can call it upholding cultural standards, and duty all you want, but the reality is, that it is racism.

You are the future young man.

I am 51 years old, I know what racism is on all sides of the fence. Why you feel like, just because I live in Canada, I am ignorant at what is going on around the world, is beyond me. I'm not as dumb as I look. grin.gif We have racism here too, mostly against the oriental folks.

I'm not a racist and I'm proud of it. I sincerely hope that you don't follow the footsteps of others around you in passing down these "so called" cultural standards. that you have been taught.

You know what they are deep down inside. wink.gif

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