What do bears eat?????


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Re: What do bears eat?????

yup, that is why since some bunny huggers in the city got the srping bear hunt cancelled to "save the poor animals" moose calf mortality in many areas is at 60 to 80%, much of which is from bears. Now we have a shrinking moose herd that has nothing to do with hunting...wonder how they will propose to save the moose? Oh wait...they don't care, it is up to us hunters to try to ensure the moose herd gets the help it needs. By the way, have i mentioned how much we like it when people come up and hunt bears in the fall here? smile.gif Leave our deer and moose alone, the poor things are so cute....but by all means please come up bear hunting. lol

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Re: What do bears eat?????


By the way, have i mentioned how much we like it when people come up and hunt bears.............but by all means please come up bear hunting. lol

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You'll be happy to know thats whats on the hunting menu for me in the future...I picked up some information from a couple of outfitters...

P.S. Put the coffee on now....It will be the way I like it when I get there shocked.gifgrin.gif

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