Gosh Dangit


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Well, I went out this morning to a spot I've had high hopes for since I got permission to hunt this land this year. Yesterday morning I had a spike come under my tree and passed on him. Last night went back out and didn't see anything. This morning I went back again, didn't see anything until about 6:45, it was a doe and 1st year deer. They began working east, I bleated but they seemed to ignore me. Then 6 more came running out into the field and began working towards me. I stood up, watching them, and they began to come into range. Then I hear something to my left. I look and it's the doe that I saw before. She walks around a downed tree into the field and I draw. She was at 25 yards and I completely blew the shot. I shot right under her. I'm pretty upset about it because all summer I have drilled a target out to 40 yards consistently, but when I get a shot on a deer, I screw it up. Tonight I plan on going out to a different spot and sitting over alfalfa. I'm looking for a big buck because I have to leave for school and I don't want to leave a deer for Dad to have to cut up this week unless it's a shooter buck that I might not have a shot at again this year. I'm hoping I get a shot to get my confidence back up, cause right now i'm pretty down in the dumps....:(:(

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Hey Bud,

Don't get down. You remind me of when I was a young bow hunter. I started when I was 12 and only killed two deer in my first three years but I missed plenty.

Since I was 16 there has only been one year I haven't shot a buck with a bow. It's just a matter of getting experience. Good Luck to ya!

Steve Sherk

Owner of Sherk's Guide Service

Eastern Notebook Columnist of Turkey Call Magazine

Writer for Water and Woods Magazine, NWPA Outdoors Magazine and The Bradford Era Newspaper

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  mule659 said:
It happens man...dont feel bad...at least you didn't make a bad hit


...LOL...and lets get that terminology right next time...it's:

Dag-Nabbit =a hanging end...to catch or seize in arrest (You'll get'em next time);)

Gosh-Dangit=I'm going to senselessly beat myself up over something I cant change now.:D

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Years ago I remember how down I'd get with a miss. Still makes me shake my head, but now I only get down when I make a bad hit. Hunt long enough and you'll be thankful for "air ball arrows" because you know there isn't a dead deer going to the coyotes.

A few days ago I had a sure shot at a doe at 20 yards quartering away. I thought I hit her after the shot. The sound even sounded like a hit. I waited an hour and got down to "get my doe" only to find my arrow without a spot of blood on the arrow or the ground. I did have a couple hairs in the feathers.:D The shot must have went over the back and hit some beans causing the sound I heard. I'm an experienced bow hunter with 2 P&Y bucks on my wall and still miss and can't figure out if I hit a deer or a bean.:D:D

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dont worry about it, we all miss. i missed 4 does one year and i knew the yardage to each one and they were all under 30 yards!:eek:

aiming at a deer is a lot differant than a target, we all seem to rush to much and then dont make our best shot. just try and concentrate on the spot you want to hit and then squeeze the shot off.


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Last year i missed a deer at approx 5-7 yards from me. (my bow was off) i personaly could never miss :p But anyways i learnt a big lesson from that. I got out of my stand and went to look for my arrow and saw no blood what so ever not even a hair on the arrow. So i thought i clean missed the deer, i didn;t hunt the stand for 2 days after. When walking to my stand i saw a spot of blood on the ground :confused: I tracked it and found the deer i thought i had clean missed like 100 yards from my tree.

What happend "i think" was one of my blades must of just cliped him enough to open up the Wasp SST 1 3/4" and slit a huge hole in the bottom of his belley.

It was crazy hot the past 2 days and the deer was waisted/half eaten :(

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