rattling them bones


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I doubt it, because bucks should be about to start establishing dominance in your area. I wouldn't get too heavy with it though. Probably just duplicate a little sparring action

Would have to agree, not to agressive...had success with with this opening day last year(mid september) so I guess it just depends on if the bucks are in the mood or not

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I love to rattle but I usually hold off til the end of October. I am worried that I may educate some bucks. I would hate to get busted by a huge buck that came in real careful now, when he may come charging in later and give me an opportunity. Of coarse all areas are different and you know yours better than anyone. Good luck and let us know if it works.

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Guest tmrltree

I honestly believe if nothing is moving, go ahead and rattle a little, grunt a little, whatever. Deer are curious creatures, and you may be able to bring one in that you would not have seen otherwise.

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