just a big bobcat???


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Can also watch the clip above. No doubt in my mind whatsoever Todd that your pic is of a bobcat. I have several more pics of cats, and some that are loaded, but think these may help for comparison. Look at the ear tips and the bushy face on your cat. I could be wrong, but I do not think a mountain lion has the same type of bushy appearance in the face area or the markings, particularly the dark ears.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I would definitely say that is a large and in charge bobcat...I think the time of day makes it appear to be a cougar, but in 2 pics, it is clearly visible the markings on its face and ears that it is in fact a bobcat. Thats pretty cool...you may want to inform him that he is tresspassing on your hunting ground, and that you would like him to hunt somewhere else...unless of course, you are hunting him:D

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  • 2 weeks later...
That is a huge Bobcat!

Never seen 'em that big.

This one was taken on our property 2 years ago. 14lbs


Pretty cat there Anthony. We have a bobcat we have seen around here that I believe is probably pushing close to 30 lbs., not sure if it is the same cat I shot video of during the youth hunt or not but that was a pretty good sized cat too. I saw the cat briefly last year during our rifle season along the river and first thought it was a fawn because of the height.:eek: Never had a clear shot on it. I hope to see him again after tomorrow when our rifle season opens.:rolleyes: Cats and fox will both open up tomorrow with our deer rifle season. Still getting the gray foxes coming through too, and have a few pics now that are within 10-15 minutes of legal shooting hours.:cool:

I have absolutely no doubt that Todd's pics are both of a bobcat, the closeup in the first pic is very similar to the sitting position pic I posted in this thread.

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