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To me its more about meeting different people and talking to those you normally don't get to converse with. The prizes are cool, but this contest is here for much more than that. It gives us a chance to make a few new friends, and learn about the hunting in different areas of the country and of course Canada. I agree with Tominator, the prizes kind of ruin it. Most people think there is going to be one, so the join up, try to meet the criteria for entering the contest, then leave as soon as the contest is over, or fail to keep communicating with their teammates throughout the season/contest. I'm not saying they have to post everyday or every week, but I have had people on my team in the past who checked in at the begining, and never came back. I say get rid of the prizes, or just don't mention anything about them until the end. Or, don't bother telling anyone at all and just send PM's to the winners.

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just adds a little more fun in my opinion.....I like the braggin rights and all, but if I would known there wasnt gonna be prizes I wouldnt have signed up...


NOT to pick on you legz, but this is exactly why I personally think that the minimums for these contest should be raised. ..

IMHO, the minimum should be 2000 posts or 6 months of forum membership before anyone should be eligible for contest status .. ;) again just my personal opinion... ;)

Your statement is exactly why I haven't entered any contests in the last 4 years ,, and Realtree offered some great prizes then too ... but the NEW members just weren't posting or conversing with their teammates, to them it was all about the prizes ... :(:(

Too bad to, because there's some great people on here from all over the globe, that have alot to offer, other than someone to help you get PRIZES, the prizes were just a bonus, they weren't what the contests were about..;)

Not to mention what it takes to even organize and run one of these contests ... So when someone says I wouldn't have bothered to join if I knew there wasn't going to be any prizes just plain disappoints me, and I'm sure others on this forum as well ... :(:(

OK I apologize I'm done ranting now .. :(

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NOT to pick on you legz, but this is exactly why I personally think that the minimums for these contest should be raised. ..

IMHO, the minimum should be 2000 posts or 6 months of forum membership before anyone should be eligible for contest status .. ;) again just my personal opinion... ;)

Your statement is exactly why I haven't entered any contests in the last 4 years ,, and Realtree offered some great prizes then too ... but the NEW members just weren't posting or conversing with their teammates, to them it was all about the prizes ... :(:(

Too bad to, because there's some great people on here from all over the globe, that have alot to offer, other than someone to help you get PRIZES, the prizes were just a bonus, they weren't what the contests were about..;)

Not to mention what it takes to even organize and run one of these contests ... So when someone says I wouldn't have bothered to join if I knew there wasn't going to be any prizes just plain disappoints me, and I'm sure others on this forum as well ... :(:(

OK I apologize I'm done ranting now .. :(

well said, luke. and no reason to apologize that i can see:o:)

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What the? No prizes??? :eek::rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Believe me, it is not about the prizes to me. We've got guys on our team from PA, OK, TX, MT, NC, NJ, MS, IL and OH. Talk about a diverse group of deer hunters. Some of these guys hunt the same way I do, some don't. Getting to know them a bit better is what it is all about. It's not about prizes at amazes me why some people would do something like this just for prizes...:confused: :confused: :rolleyes:

Your statement is exactly why I haven't entered any contests in the last 4 years ,,

I, for one, would never let comments like this keep me from entering a contest that allows me to get some personal interaction with other forum members. Interaction with others on a common topic is what builds lasting friendships. :cool:

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just adds a little more fun in my opinion.....I like the braggin rights and all, but if I would known there wasnt gonna be prizes I wouldnt have signed up...

There are some alternates who would be more than happy to replace you. I will gladly take you off the team and insert the first one on the list if you don't want to participate since there isn't any handouts at the end, at this time.

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Wow, quick to jump??? I was just saying, you guys complain about people not posting their harvest or not contributing. How about some initiative to get people excited. Just an example for you....I ran a car show and the first year we had little $20 dollar prizes and had 40 cars. The second year, we got a engine donated and yes, you guessed it. over 150 cars....hmmmm...I really intend on contributing to my team for the contest, but i was just kinda dissappointed cause last year there was prizes and I was bummed I didnt get in. But I do agree that there should be a 2000 post minimum. It might be a shame tominator........but I just dont understand how one year there are prizes, next year there isnt, next year there will be. I can get sponsors to give prizes, that isnt a problem. I just think it would benefit the contest thats all.....I was just trying to make a point....

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It might be a shame tominator........but I just dont understand how one year there are prizes, next year there isnt, next year there will be. I can get sponsors to give prizes, that isnt a problem. I just think it would benefit the contest thats all.....I was just trying to make a point....

You are under the misconception that we have this dying need to put on a contest every year, which certainly is not the case, in fact, you all are lucky Jeff stepped up and volunteered to moderate this whole thing because nobody else wanted to do it, and some of us, me included, actually campaigned against it.

I think your brain is an apple and mine is an orange. :D I guess we will have to agree to disagree. :cool: I see the "contest" as something for fun. Seems to me you see it as a way to win something, or that the contest has to be "successful."

BTW--Jeff (Texastrophies) has a good suggestion. If you want out, there's others who want in.

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Wow, quick to jump???

When you start a post like this, and then claim you wouldn't have joined if you had known there wasn't going to be any prizes, ya, people are going to "jump":rolleyes:

I was just saying, you guys complain about people not posting their harvest or not contributing. How about some initiative to get people excited. Just an example for you....I ran a car show and the first year we had little $20 dollar prizes and had 40 cars. The second year, we got a engine donated and yes, you guessed it. over 150 cars....hmmmm...I really intend on contributing to my team for the contest, but i was just kinda dissappointed cause last year there was prizes and I was bummed I didnt get in. But I do agree that there should be a 2000 post minimum. It might be a shame tominator........but I just dont understand how one year there are prizes, next year there isnt, next year there will be. I can get sponsors to give prizes, that isnt a problem. I just think it would benefit the contest thats all.....I was just trying to make a point....

There shouldn't have to see some sort of initiative to get people excited. Hunting itself should take care of that.;)

You still fail to see the point of this contest. Your car show and this are two very different scenarios. I'm guessing you are trying to draw people in for your car show with the hopes of making money somewhere down the line for some sort of "cause". This is just to get people together to have fun, enjoy hunting and to interact with people throughout the U.S. and Canada. Like Texastrophies said, there are plenty ofr people who would gladly take you place in the contest for the RIGHT reasons, not just the hopes of some prize at the end.

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just adds a little more fun in my opinion.....I like the braggin rights and all, but if I would known there wasnt gonna be prizes I wouldnt have signed up...

Good answer given below

There are some alternates who would be more than happy to replace you. I will gladly take you off the team and insert the first one on the list if you don't want to participate since there isn't any handouts at the end, at this time.

You are under the misconception that we have this dying need to put on a contest every year, which certainly is not the case, in fact, you all are lucky Jeff stepped up and volunteered to moderate this whole thing because nobody else wanted to do it, and some of us, me included, actually campaigned against it.

I think your brain is an apple and mine is an orange. :D I guess we will have to agree to disagree. :cool: I see the "contest" as something for fun. Seems to me you see it as a way to win something, or that the contest has to be "successful."

BTW--Jeff (Texastrophies) has a good suggestion. If you want out, there's others who want in.

I was not against it, but I think some members here do not realize how much of a headache this contest can be. Steve(buckee) had his hands full with it last year. Jeff really stepped up and even though I am not participating I appreciate that he has taken it on so members here can have fun with it, prizes or not.

That little trinket is only reserved for the Administrators .. DUH .. :D:D

LMBO, still waiting on mine Luke.:eek::o:D

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Good answer given below

I was not against it, but I think some members here do not realize how much of a headache this contest can be. Steve(buckee) had his hands full with it last year. Jeff really stepped up and even though I am not participating I appreciate that he has taken it on so members here can have fun with it, prizes or not.

LMBO, still waiting on mine Luke.:eek::o:D

Would you like it with or without Dan on it ?? .. :D:D

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Huh....I thought tagging a deer was the me it is anyway.

Same with me, I'm usually the one on my team that strikes out, just about every year I enter the contest I don't get a deer, so prizes are the last thing on my mind.

Plus I believe having this contest is a great way to share our hunting successes.

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