How do i decide the right bullet for my rifle?

Guest cody.smith10

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Guest cody.smith10

I shoot a Tikka .300 mag during the rifle season and hunt many different properties with many different layouts in north east Missouri...what cartridge is best for 0-400yards?

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How do i decide the right bullet for my rifle?
No one can determine that but you. When I get a new rifle, I start with several boxes of common ammo like Remington Core-lock, Winchester Super-X, and Hornady Custom. From there I see which groups best at various ranges. If any of those perform up to your standards, then you're all set. If not, keep trying different loads. I went through about 6 different brands/styles/bullet weights before I found one that worked well in my 7 mag.
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No one can determine that but you. When I get a new rifle, I start with several boxes of common ammo like Remington Core-lock, Winchester Super-X, and Hornady Custom. From there I see which groups best at various ranges. If any of those perform up to your standards, then you're all set. If not, keep trying different loads. I went through about 6 different brands/styles/bullet weights before I found one that worked well in my 7 mag.


I do the same

Start with good stuff like Federal Premium, hornady, etc and work down

When you find ammo it like go and get a buch 6-10 boes of it and yoru set for life

Ammo comes & and goes ...they change stuff loads, projecticles etc....even change ownership of ammo makers

big tip when you go shoot shoot pick a cold still day let the bbl cool between firings.


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......When you find ammo it like go and get a buch 6-10 boes of it and yoru set for life

Ammo comes & and goes ...they change stuff loads, projecticles etc....even change ownership of ammo makers.......

Great advice right there! I completely agree!!!

I believe that you can work up the right load for your rifle just like you can for a muzzleloader. Once you find out what particular brand of ammo it likes(the best accuracy out of your rifle) a lifetime of ammo for it!

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