New rifle!!


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You got beat so bad I'm surprised your not bleeding out. The 770 is a piece of crap. Remington is having a hard time giving them away. Get your 45 back and I'll trade you for a decent rifle.

What you got in mind hunterbob!!Is remington really having that hard of a time!!This rifle shoots nice!!I new it was a cheaper rifle but when i'm hunting and using my (more expensive)nicer rifles i worry about banging them up or scratching them on a branch!!With this rifle i don't have to!!

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Check the gun Shops

Yes they are having a terrible time selling them. Go into just about any gun shop and you will find them on clearence. Every banquet or gun raffle I've seen has had one. The shops are trying to get rid of them any way they can. If you are really interested in a trade I would need more info on the Springfield. What model and accesories does it have. I'm sure I could come up with a savage 110 that would be a big improvement over what you have and you still wouldn't have to worry about beating it up.

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Such negativity..... :D

If the rifle fits your needs then only you can answer the question on whether it was a good trade or not.

However, that being said, the 770 is the 710 in a different dress. The 710 lost popularity and tanked. Remington came along and "Upgraded" to another economy line, the 770. They are getting bad press. However, they are perfect for a "beater" rifle. They are plenty accurate. And if you scratch them who cares? Value wise they came out on the deal. But again, if you can get much more use out of the rifle then you made a smart switch.

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Such negativity..... :D

If the rifle fits your needs then only you can answer the question on whether it was a good trade or not.

However, that being said, the 770 is the 710 in a different dress. The 710 lost popularity and tanked. Remington came along and "Upgraded" to another economy line, the 770. They are getting bad press. However, they are perfect for a "beater" rifle. They are plenty accurate. And if you scratch them who cares? Value wise they came out on the deal. But again, if you can get much more use out of the rifle then you made a smart switch.

Thats what was on my mind!!Value wise i got beat by 100 bucks!!But the rifle will produce more meat for my freezer!!Plus i don't have to worry about beating it up!!Although my pro hunter isn't fairing to good(i'm about to start a new thread in a sec)!!I have enough show peices that i have to baby when i'm in the woods!!I have had it to the range 2 times so far and it is shooting just fine,grouping great!!Thanks for the support jeramie you show class!!

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I would check from time to time where the barrel meets the receiver. One of the shortfalls of the 710/770 was, that it is a pinned barrel design, for economy; not threaded. I think in the magnum caliber you have, it might be something you should look at occasionally.

Good Luck with the rifle. If your happy thats all that matters.

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Get rid of the 770. You got beat on the trade. Forget emotions, look at facts. Remmy wanted to get into the bargain gun game. So they came out with the 710. Recalls, recalls, recalls. Now it's discontinued and replaced with the 770. It won't be long before they start breaking. Will yours? maybe, maybe not I just hope it's not when your on a hunt and are about to squeeze down on a trophy of a lifetime. Lets not even talk about resail. The .45 will hold value and you won't be able to give that 770 away in a few years.

Get rid of that 770 and run away very very fast.

There's a difference between opinions based on emotion and opinions based on fact.You got taken on this trade.

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