Bow frustration!!!


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Hi all,

I'm both new to this forum and new to bow hunting. My wonderful husband bought me a Parker Wildfire XP left-handed bow Saturday. It's absolutely gorgeous,a nd I love holding it. The draw weigth is set to 54 #. I can only pull it just less than halfway back, then I lose it. I'm 5 foot 4 in. and about 125 lbs...It's really frustrating becuase I'm afraid if I can't do it on the ground, how will I pull it back in the stand? I lift weights about 4 times per week, but question whether I'm going to be able to do this all the time!

My husband said it takes a lot of time to learn build strength and be able to pull back, but I can't help but have some doubt. Help! Sure, Tiff Lakosky, who is about my size, can pull back 54 #, but she's been doing it for awhile, LOL. Am I just "being a sissy" as he says, or is this something I should really investigate further?

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What is the lowest poundage your bow will go to? If you don't know, look on the limb for a sticker, it should say something like 30-40 for a 40lb max draw weight, 40-50 for 50lb max draw weight, and so on and so forth. If I were you, I would set it at the lowest weight possible, and try from there, and then work your way up to the 54lbs you are at now

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Guest wtlfrk
The lowest draw weigth is 50 #

I hate to burst anyones bubble, but if it's hard for you to pull, then take it back and exchange it for one that works for YOU, not your husband. Go to the shop where he bought it and try some for yourself. Buy a bow that works for you NOW and in the future. Buying a bow that you struggle to shoot, is pointless in my opinion, and makes absolutely no sense at all. And PLEASE tell me that you DID NOT let the sissy comment fly!?!? :rolleyes:

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Take it back and have the dealer switch Limbs

90% of women cant break over 50# at first

Prker dealers will slap a lighter set of limbsn it get 30#to 40#

40# will kill buffalo & moose & grizzly

the Parker factory is in Mint Springs

call hem if you have any more troubles

Ask for jim Wynne or johnny grace 540 337 5426

Tellthem Tink sent you

Tink Nathan

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I feel a lot better! Yeah, my main concern as I may have said is that if I can't draw back on the ground, how the heck can I do it in the stand (that is, without grunting, biting my bottom lip off, and overally making a mess of myself!) I really don't want to get more angry (and injured for that matter) before I even go out!

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Alrighty, I want to again thank EVERYONE with answering my ??s. Now, of course, wouldn't you know, we cannot find the receipt for the bow. Because it was purchased just Saturday, and the shop is really small and is geared towards the locals, I'm hoping they'll work with us on taking it back, exchanging it!

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