Need advice to Quiet my Portable Generator


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Well, unfortunately, where I usually put my camper during hunting season up North I lost my electric supply. So I bought a portable generator to run my camper now. The problem is that it is EXTREMELY LOUD, as most of you know they are. I would really like to quiet it down alot. Neighbors might not like hearing this thing roar all night. So I'm asking any of you for some help. Do they sell better mufflers? or any homemade modifications I can do to tone it down. Any help would be appreciated.

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Build a Little house for itIN South Africa ( RSA) almost all remote ranches use gens They build them some good distance from the camp and built a little house around it and build walls about 3 feet of adobe mud & bricks its cuts the clatter and noise quite a bit Twice walking back to my house in the dark barefoot with my Mag Lite I ran into bad snakes.Tink PS SnNake is a 9 foot Black Mamba ( still wiggling)



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I would try a silencer that they put on the atvs. I know mine works well. Now when I ran my genarator at my old farm for years. I built a box alittle bit bigger then the genrator and filled it with insalation and sound proof material. Then a layer of non buring/flame retarnt material. I ran my exhuast with exhuast line out of the box and then my air intake also to make sure it got plenty of air. It wasnt as nice as one of these 1000 dollor hondas but it was nice. the box cost about 75 bucks

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Well, since you've already purchased it we can forget about the recommendations for quieter models (I favor the Yamaha) which are more expensive anyway. Enclosing the unit, with proper fire/over heating precautions, is probably the least expensive solution as mentioned above. The idea of beefing up the exhaust system is a good long range solution as long as you are not worried about warranty issues and are careful about exhaust component placement and keep the spark arrestor functional. Good hunting.

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..Yeah, I agree with SteveB....the Hondas are the best(as far as small, gas generators...)

-you can also rig up a battery bank to it....and not have to run it all the time....

-digging a hole for it is a good idea, Gator....-but- not practical, nor safe for running one in a hole in a snow climate like Rhode Island, I wouldn't think...:D;)

-up here, people usually have the boxes built around them....similiar to what Tink was describing(minus the adobe...:))....although, they are usually the larger KW diesel gen sets....

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thanks for the good ideas. The generator was given to me and runs fine. If I had the money I would buy a small honda generator. I had one at work years ago and they are very quiet. I think I'm going to do a little exhaust mod and tinker with it. The hole method won't work for me, I don't think because of snow issues. thanks again.

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