9 lives???? part cat????


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As most of you have heard and seen pics of the monster mule deer I have had in my dreams for 2 years now, he got away again tonight, the 8th time I was in range and somethign went wrong, not a shot yet in the past 2 years! All started last year on sept 1 first day of bow season, after 2 months of spotting and filming this big boy the bow season was on, i did not see him from my lookout point so I decided to still hunt the area, cama over a knoll, and all that was there was a small chunk of weeds, up he stood at 10 yards,instead of drawing the bow I kind of froze and he was gone, I got to a hill and watched him go into a finger 3/4 mile away and not coem out, after 2 hours off I went and got to the edge and sat there for the day if needed ,he had to be within 30 yards bedded, after 1/2 hour 3 small bucks come up the trail and snort at me at 5 yards spooking him, next saterday I seen him from my lookout point6 and got to were I figured he would come, he came right down the trail, all he had to do was come over a hill and I could get a 30 yard shot, instead all I seen was antler tips stop and turn around,he went and bedded in the draw right beside it, To get the wind right I had to go way around and come in from the opposite direction, everythign per4fect,I was 25 yards from his antler tips, I sat with my back toa big sage brusha nd was expecting a long wait, wind right in my face, perfect, 20 minutes in he jumped like he was shot and took off not even thinking about looking back, next time I seen him was 3 weeks later, 4 miles away, I watched him go into a small slough, my only chance was a sneek with the sun in my face, I crested a hill and there he was at 40 yards or so, I could see the sticker,I drew back let fly, he buckled and turned to take off, It was the wrong buck, my buck was still behind me,On tusday night he was 70 yards away from me, but I only had the bow and ML did not open till wed, wed morn I was in position waiting for him, he was down the pea field 500 yards, I backed out and came back at night, I got in position along a fence and waited, he came right out of were I expected, but with sun setting I had to get closer before dark,I got to the hill I knew was coming by and he did but at 40 yards or so farhter than I was practiced at shooting at, I was sure I coudl make the shot but did not want to blow it so I let him go over the hill, This am he was in a pea field at the opposite side of the coulees, I decided to leave till tonight, I was there right after work, got along the fence line and waited, next thing I seen 15 deer bedded in the middle of the feild, I backed out and came around, he was 580 yards, i got on my belly and started the long crawl, got to 220, but wanted to close a bit, I was amazed I was gaining on a wide open field, ranged at 163, perfect my deer is dead I thought, i put the crosshairs on the center of the shoulder,I know it drops 4 inches at 150 yards soI expected 6 inch drop, I tried to pull the hammer back but it would not go, its a buddies gun and I kept trying for at least 1/2 hour[was prob 20 seconds lol] then I realized the safty was 1/2 way between, must of got jamed when crawling, i finally got the hammer back and he was walking away,

This is 8 times the bugger has gotten away from me, I am starting to get really obsessed with this deer, Its really starting to get to me big time, I just feel like he is a ghost or something, I sure hope he is part cat and he only has 9 lives,I truthfully can not take much more of this or I will be the one dead with a heart attack or stroke, my blood was boiling so bad after the hammer incedent lol!!Just simmering a bit now but still pretty hot!

Just hope I get a 9th chance, Only have about a hour of hunting in the AM and a hour after work now by the time I get there,

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  • 2 weeks later...

One word - Paragraphs. LOL

It sounds like you are a heck of a stalker to me. That is your strength.

I'm going to suggest something a bit extreme. Do something he will never expect.

The first deer I ever got was one of the biggest in the area (Western Virginia in the George Washington National Forest). So i was told he was the biggest by guys that hunted there for 20 years.

Here is what I did: I walked in the day before - as deep in the forest as I could where other hunters wouldn't go - I camped out all night and took my tent down an hour before shooting time. I sat there freezing for 2 hours. The buck came out at 8:15 and now he's hangin' on a wall.

I did this because if I had walked in during the dark, I would have broken my ankle, gotten lost, or worse - spooked some deer. I did what others were not willing to do - everyone else was within a hundred or 2 hundred yards of their truck. I was about 800. I didn't make a peep getting to my spot, cause I slept there all night.

I don't want to say that you should do that - but you gotta go extreme on this bad boy. Without knowing the terrain or his patterns, I can't say for sure what to do. Only you know. do that. You'll be able to tell a great story.

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