Scents - scrapes


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Fellas...when do you guys start putting out Code Blue or Tinks over scrapes or mock scrapes?
__________________________________________________I start when I start hunting I have killed 3 8 point Bucks on the Opening day of Maryland bow season Opener (Sept 15th)over scrapes (real Ones) I saw a buck putting in a scrape and I got down out of the tree stand and stalked him in the weeds and spined him at 15 yards. Tinks Power scape usually takes a while before you see deer tracks in the scrape. I have seen it work the first day in Texas When a buck deer has hard antlers and his testes have dropped he is ready & able to breed. then he is producign live spearm. hope this helps Tink



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  • 11 months later...

My favorite hunting set up is over an active scrape. I usually find a scrape in an area around good trails then (Spruce it up) I have tried a number of different products and had success. Last season I used Active Scrape but it was more towards the rut. Killed two bucks with my bow in MI. Just moved to PA and I found three new scrapes by my stand two days ago I opened up the scrapes up a little bit and put out some Tinks Power Scrape two days ago. Didn't hunt yesterday due to a front with 20-35mph winds all day. But I will let you know how it works out!

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im just a amature hunter and i have been bow hunting only for the last two years,and while i was out in the woods the other day i found a active scrape and about four or five trees that had been rubbed up pretty good in that same area,had some tinks power scrape and some doe urine that i poured on the scrape but have yet to make it back out there because of the rain,did i do the right thing by doing this and does that mean that theres a dominant buck running that area?

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