Smoked first one with bow


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Hey guys,

I finally got to smoke my first deer with my 2 year old Mathews Switchback XT yesterday evening. I wasn't even going to go out yesterday but I thought what the heck. The corn was still standing, I hadn't seen a buck all year and no pics on the trail camera, and it was suppose to rain. It was about 6:00 pm and I had been setting in the misting rain for about an hour and I was ready to give it up for the day. I put my Easton ST Axis tipped with a Muzzy 100gr. 4 blade broadhead back in the quiver and clipped my lowering string onto the bow. As soon as I was about to lower my bow, I looked to the left and saw 2 8 pointers coming aroound the corn, they was 26 yards out.

My first thought was way to go, you blew this one dummy. I brought the back, grabbed my arrow, clipped on my release, and then picked out which one I wanted. The one leading was smaller body and rack. As soon as I raised my bow, it was like he knew it was show time. He turned broadside and I let it rip. Clean shot all the way. He went 30 yards and lights out. I now know what the excitement and feeling is all about when you take one with your bow. Good luck and I'll get some pics up soon.

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Was he hard to light?



J/K--Awesome dude. Congrats. :cool:

LOL...depends on which end you Puff:D

...I now know what the excitement and feeling is all about when you take one with your bow.

...and everytime you read one of the posts just like this one...You'll re-live that moment over, and over, and over again.

What you did was and is AWESOME;)

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I'm not really sure how to post photos. If someone could give me a hint or two it would be appriciated.

Click on your above link, scroll down a bit, click on the URL, then click on "Copy to Clipboard," come back here, then hit Ctrl V.



Really nice buck, BTW.

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