?? for TINK

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I bought a couple scent bombs last season and filled them with Tinks69 ... they have been sealed tight since that time .. I've always wondered if they would hold that long for the next season ... Other words is it still good ?? .. ;)

And I also see you have a NEW product out for making instant scrapes,, can you elaborate more on this product for me / us ???


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Dear Number # 9The moisture will have evaporated by now and the cotton should have a musky smell but by all means use them with Tinks # 69 like before. The trick is to put a semi circle of bombs around your stand in places where you can shoot Don't place them in back where you cant see & cant shoot. Your good to go remember to use enough scent so the deer can smell it Tink



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Tinks Power Scape StarterWe have a new product this year called Tinks Power Scrape Starter Its mimics the scent of a Buck and beign synthetic it doesnt break down like deer urine. In fact as you repeat application via spray it increses in power. human cant smell hardly anythign but deer sure do. every oen that ahs used it for a while has had bucks open up the scrape and leave tracks pee & dropping inthe scrapes. Its not a substitute for Tinks # 69 But a long way around Robin Hoods bard it has eough to build a net work of scrapes around your stands, and some fine day Mr Big Buck will com mosining by and Bingo . the trick is every time you go into the woods add More Tinks Power Scrape to your mock scrapes.. here is a Pix Happy trails Tink



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Another question for Mr Tink

On the same topic. I use Tink's 69 gel often during early November on licking branches above mock scrapes that get taken over by deer and it works, but wonder if there is something better. Is there something you have out that works better during the pre rut for licking branches.

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Think you are too hung up on pre RutRut is the breeding season for deer When antler are hard & testes are dropped they produce live sperm and that is the rut More activity during the peak of the rut which is usually for me 9 Nov Bucks want to breed does NOW not Nov 9th Sexual Scents work best all season from opening day to last day. On sept 15th the old Maryland opening day for bow season at a check station in Maryland we had a 8 point buck in velvet with a skinny neck and a 220# 8 Point buck in full rut with a swollen neck rock hard Both killed on the same Army Post. the rut is on but don't tell any one this pre rut and post rut is not what it appears. To me Pre Rut is Aug 15 th in South Carolina Thats when Tinks 3 1 doe p might be wise. I developed it for the shooting of does not bucks BTW Its non estrus scent we had a huge buyer for a Distributor bought all Tinks # 1 doe P and no Tinks # 69 I called him ans asked he said it I called it Tinks # 1 Doe P then it had to be better than a product called Tinks # 69. Go figure attachment.php?attachmentid=1741&stc=1&d=1223662957



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Tinks # 69 doe in Rut Is BUCK LURE Not doe lure

Well its a Buck Lure not a doe lure Wm

if you want to shoot a fat doe Go with Tinks# 1 Doe P Deer scent Thats a doe & buck Lure.

Tinks # 69 doe In Rut buck Lure is estrus and does don;t like to be around an estrous doe if she isn't in heat.

Don't use a buck lure to lure in does OK?

Tinks has a free DVD on Lures & Scent by Terry Rohm

and you can get a free copy of Tinks DVD by calling Terry Rohm or Julie at

1- 800- 624- 5988 @ Tinks Hqs in Covington GA

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