what am i doing wrong

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ok so ive been hunting a few spots were i live and ive been seeing deer but then it all stopped. first week of nh archery seson i saw 25 deer then it just died. i went back to a spot were i shot a skipper (first deer) 2 weeks after the incident and me and my buddy lost the deer. so we went back to the spot a few times after and nothing been coming through. are there any products that might helop change my success?

another problem ive been having is i did alt of scouting after deer season to see were the deer are running durring deer season and my trail camera was pulling in 30+ pictures a day and there not coming in anymore... how come?

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thats the thing though is ive been hunting about 4 different spots and its like that everywere. the acorn drop in maine and new hampshire is outrageous right now almost like theres to many acorns in the area to hunt to find there major food source or were they feel the most comfortable feeding. as for water holes i always hunt creeks and or near them and swamps. theres a huuuge buck were i hunt in maine and it seems like im always on his tail but just 2 minutes to late. i always see his sign my neighbor up the street found his antler in her yard a few years ago when he was a 4 years old and now he's almost 8! he's got palmated antlers and a rack that looks like a sasqatuwan rack wide and palmated ive been after him for years now and he's still around. he's the only reason i hunt maine i have a grudge for him and im desperate to make him on my wall. i put my cam on a huge scrape line of his this monday and sunday i might go out and check it see if he's been around to check it. and if he has been my stand will be hung right about 10 yards from his scrape.

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When i see major changes in deer patterns it usually revolves around weather. There are always going to be external factors, but weather is always #1 on my radar when deer movement and patterns change dramatically. You're up there a ways, so i am assuming you may have encountered a cold front which could have put the deer into a transition mode to seek out more fatty foods. Acorns are good, but corn and beans are the bread and butter in IL. Also, its understandable to be eager to see who and what you caught on your cameras, but try to look into a bigger battery pack so you aren't out there leaving scent as often. I personally like to check mine in the middle of the day (when the rut is not in swing) get in, get out, and plan your next move. you could also get so fresh deer urine and use it as a drag when checking your camera in an effort to eliminate your scent. Good Luck, hope this helps!

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Besides too much hunting pressure on one specific spot, food is the other #1 factor.

They may have been using a certain trail to get from bedding to feeding area, but if that food is no longer there, and/or there is a better alternate ripe crop or food source happening at this time, they will be hitting that food source now, instead of where you are expecting them.

Around here they seem to be hitting the local orchards hard right now, especially since some of the corn fields have been harvested. ;)

Don't over-hunt one specific spot. 2 to 3 times a week is plenty, but not enough to spook the deer or turn them off completely if you are being careful.

sorry..I'm not a prostaffer:D

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thtas the thing though when its coming to food. alls wre have ar acorns a beechnuts. and those are everywere like WAY TO MUCH of them. i dont have any cornfields or orchards relativly close closest orchards about 25 miles away and corn field about 10 miles away. ive about given up on these deer :mad:. ive been hunting them for so long and so hard and havent been having much sucess but i tell my friends who just start bowhunting what to do and THEY GET DEER. i dont get it. i need to see a deerologist or somthing. i wake up at 5 am not and dont even wanna head out cuz im so stressed out about the deer whippn my butt

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Where there are acorns and other mast crops when in abundance the deer may wander somewhat aimlessly with no apparent pattern. Our wildlife people here say that years where there are abundant mast crops the harvest numbers will go down, years where mast crops are not so great the harvest numbers will go up as deer have to look harder for food and will increase the odds for hunters.

i wake up at 5 am not and dont even wanna head out cuz im so stressed out about the deer whippn my butt

Also with reading this I would suggest that you might try and relax a bit. Seems like the greatest time I have in the woods is when I put no pressure on myself and not surprisingly that is also when I have been most successful.

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I would maybe see a beerologist before a deerologist...Sounds like you need to relax a little. its still early in the year, maybe don't go out for a week or so and see what happens. Get a buddy and a lab and go whack some doves or ducks or geese (if theyre in season) for a few days and get your mind off bowhunting. Deer have an amazing ability to drive humans insane, we have all been there. When my season starts that way or that happens to me, i hang it up for a week or so, regroup, rethink and re-execute. give the deer a victory (them 1 you 0) and start your season over. We as humans also have the ability to think irrationally when we are frustrated...Keep your head up, things will change. Try not hunting, but scouting for a few mornings or evenings around where you hunt. Maybe you can pick up on what they are doing from a roadside or hilltop..do a little glassing and that should help you,and at least give you some answers to the"where" and maybe the "why". Good Luck!

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