What grain bullet do you use.

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I have always used a sabot with a bullet weight of 200 grains, in my .50 cal (100 grains powder). They shoot very well out of my Knight. These are used for whitetail and have always done the job.

Just wonder what you all use considering the bullet weights go up in weight considerably (what you can buy at the store).

good luck to all

the dog

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I shoot 100 grains of Pyrodex behind a 250 grain Barnes Expander MZ out of my Encore. I also shot this same load in my Knight Disc. Those MZ's look ugly but shoot great. Not a big fan of Shockwaves, the ones I have shot deer with did not hold together well when they hit bone. I have not tried the bonded shockwaves.

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I have a Knight bighorn and started out using Hornady 240 gr xtp bullets powered by 80 gr of goex ffg. I got good groups. When I went for more bullets all I could find was 250 gr bullets. Well I got better groups. I scrounged around and found some 260 gr bullets and the groups got even better. I then ordered a box of 45 cal 300 gr xtps and got really impressive groups with the same load of powder. I use the Harvester crush rib sabots. I do not use the substitute powders as I have never converted my knight to the 209 ignition.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Since I had a muzzleloader elk tag, I set my ML up for the big critters. I am shooting a 300 gr SST/Shockwave (same bullet) in a Harvester sabot. I throw the junk that comes with the SST/SW and use a good sabot. This setup is super accurate out to 300 yards. So good, in fact I am using my ML for my mule deer hunt even though I have a centerfire rifle tag.

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