What did/do you call your grandparents?

Guest Andrea

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I think it's interesting what some people call them. I've heard everything from Mee-Mee and Pa to Granny or Nana to Paps or Grandaddy.

I called my Dad's parents Mam Maw and Paw Paw. And my mother's parents Paw Paw and Granny-Maw. :o:rolleyes: ( I was the eldest grandchild and could not pronounce Grandma....every child since has called her Granny Maw cause of me, lol):D

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Mom's parents were Grandmaw and Grandpaw

Heavy on the "paw".:D

Dad's parents are/were Granny and Grandpaw Read

Granny is still alive but Grandpa Read went on to be with the Lord back in 98. As did Grandmaw and Grandpaw back in 94 and 95.

Grandpaw Read's dad was Grandaddy.

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Cool. A little culture lesson here.:D

On my dad's side, we called our grandma Babcia; pronounced "bop-chee." Grandpa was DziaDio; pronounced "Ja-ja." :cool: My dad's parents came over on the boat and entered the country through Ellis Island by way of Poland.

My mom's side was plain ol' grandma and grandpa, but my grandfather died before I was born.

For my kids they call my dad Ja-ja. For my wife's side they call my father in law "grampa-D" and "grammy-D." They call my wife's mom "grandma."

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Ummmm..... Grandma and Granpa?! I guess im more normal than the rest of you.... :D;)

Seriously, I call my step grandma "Granny-ma." Ive been calling her that for years. I still call her that.

You are the only other person I know that uses that name. Wow.........:eek::)

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wow i thought there would be more people with maw maws and paw paws in here. thats what i call my moms parents but my dads parents are/were grandpa and grandma. People up here think we are wierd with the maw maw and paw paw but i just smile and tell them its a southern thing. lol

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