
Tim Andrus

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This probably should be in the food plot room , but I figured I would get more replies here. A friend of mine planted 4 acres of pumpkins to sell, but the whiley whitetails had other ideas . they destroyed his field within 2 weeks. Was wondering if anyone else ever experienced something like that with pumpkins . Might be the next food plot product LOL



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Tim, I vaguely remember the subject of "Pumpkins" coming up in the past here in different threads. If I remember correctly back then people were trying without success to get deer to feed on thier leftover Halloween pumpkins.

Maybe that when they are fresh theres a difference but I'm fairly positive nobody had success with the used Halloween pumpkins.

Someone who knows how to find those old threads could probably help you better;)

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Tim, I vaguely remember the subject of "Pumpkins" coming up in the past here in different threads. If I remember correctly back then people were trying without success to get deer to feed on thier leftover Halloween pumpkins.

Maybe that when they are fresh theres a difference but I'm fairly positive nobody had success with the used Halloween pumpkins.

Someone who knows how to find those old threads could probably help you better;)

Gary, the problem with Halloween pumpkins is that people usually burn candles in them or they are mostly rotted before they try and feed them to deer ..

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We've got a big-time vegetable farmer out the road a piece from here. He grows gads of acres of pumpkins. After the harvest there's still more pumpkins left in the field than most people have ever seen in one place in their life. Seems the deer go by and take a bite out of them. Any pumpkin with a deer bite is a loss and sits in the field to rot. I can't, however, say tha I've seen the pumpkin fields crawling with deer at any time. Don't know if I'd choose pumpkins as a foodplat crop over soybean or rape/brassica.

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