Deer stand height

Guest deerchica

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Didn't see my name on the link.

I have a couple climbers that I get 25-30 feet with. I also have a hang on that I use my 16 ft. ladder with. I have it right at the top of the ladder.

I prefer to be up at least 25 feet unless the tree provides me with excellent cover. My biggest problem is that deer can come from several directions and when I finish cutting shooting lanes my cover isn't that great anymore.

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i myself like to get up about 25 feet i feel pretty safe up there. but stand heigh all depends on the terrain your hunting. you always have to be above the deers eyes. so say your hunting a bottleneck you want to be up about 30 feet because if your at 12 or 16 feet and that deer comes up that bottle neck he's at eye level with you.if your hunting flat ground anywere from 15-18 feet should be key. but when you set up a stand always have someone with you so then pretend they are the deer and have them walkj up that bottleneck and see if they see you in your stand at certain heights. so remember tree stand height only matters with the terrain your hunting.

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