Redemption, Somewhat! =)


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As some of you know, I shot a doe on Thursday only to never find her. I believe she went into a big swamp I was near. It was a good shot through the chest but I could not find a blood trail whatsoever. I searched for her 3 separate times for probably a total of 6 or more hours.

Well, last night I went out and speed scouted an area I hadn't been to in awhile. I found a nice rub line and set up. After about an hour and half in, I heard some movement and got excited. I grunted a bit and out came a small spike/ button buck. I would typically not shoot a deer like this but I needed meat and some confidence restored. As he quartered away at about 25 yards, I hit him back in the ribs and the arrow went all the way through and out the left shoulder. He did not leave much blood either, but with the help of my dad, we found him piled up in some vines. Although he is not much of a trophy, especially for FL, he is going to taste great on the table! I will try and post a pic. BTW, I really do wear Realtree camo, but this camo in the picture is the only lightweight stuff I have for the heat! =)


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good deer. Sounds like your having blood trailing problems a tad. I would first take a look at what type of broadhead I was using. You might want to get one that opens the deer up a little more.....Again good stuff.......

I am second guessing my broadhead for sure! I am using the new black G5 Tekans that have a 1 and half inch open. I thought with that kind of opening, there would be no trouble with blood. I found one of the blades did not even open on impact though! From the sounds of this forum, all the success' seem to be coming from the Rage 2s. Think I might switch over.

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