Another ??? for Tink.........


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Pretty much all urine is a mixture of water, minerals, and nitrogeneous waste. I have noticed that my diet affects the smell of my urine. Fact.

How much does a deer's diet affect the smell of bottled urine? Can the urine of captured/collection deer vary based upon their diet? If you're feeding those deer a pelleted ration with assorted hay choices, what happens if I use that urine where the primary food source is sage or oak brush? It has to chemically affect the smell the same as it does in humans.

What have your studies shown?

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Sugar cane makes urine sweet

When deer are fed Sugar cane it make the urine taste sweeter

This is why hunters should avoid eating garlic onion broccoli Brussels sprout and other veggies high in urea and that stuff makes yoru urea acid & urine s stink

you are what you eat

Indian avoided meat & sex 3 days before major hunts they say

Not eating meat lowered their scent profile in the bush.

Most protein is passed off in waste feces & urine.

Urine is about the most powerful of the chemical communication in deer.

Next time I talk to a buck I will ask him


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...Urine is about the most powerful of the chemical communication in deer...

Alot of people believe that urinating from the treestand does not bother deer or they have stated that having done so they've witnessed deer actually smell where they went and not spook.

Why have some people been able to pee into scrapes during winter weather(snowfall) only to have deer use the same scrape that very same day or that evening???

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First of all. I know for a fact asparagus will effect urine smell (anyone that eats it will agree).

Secondly, I have taken Tinks 69 (we get lots of it here at work) and dropped about 10 drops in the middle of a plot I've hunted and watched young bucks root for it like I buried a treasure (if there were older ones, I would have shot them).

Thirdly. Yesterday, me and my oldest boy Jack went hunting. I drop him off and as usual, I just go sit in a stand nearby to watch and see what's moving (not really hunting unless I see a coyote or bobcat). I got in the stand right after drinking a ton of sweet tea (and a diet coke before that). I had to go, and I had no problem doing it right off the front of the stand.

30 minutes later, I had a 4 point come out to my left and he started feeding straight up toward me and my stand. I sat there and watched that buck feed right in front of me at 10 yards for 30 minutes and never raise his snout or look my way (5 yards from the base of my stand and where I did my business).

So go figure.

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Alot of people believe that urinating from the treestand does not bother deer or they have stated that having done so they've witnessed deer actually smell where they went and not spook.

Why have some people been able to pee into scrapes during winter weather(snowfall) only to have deer use the same scrape that very same day or that evening???

Believer here. Have started several scrapes with my own urine and had deer take them over. Shot a video clip of a buck working a scrape that had my own urine in the scrape along with a scrape dripper with active scrape.

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I'm happy for you Tink.:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

Now maybe you'd like to answer the original question, I'd appreciate it.

Pretty much all urine is a mixture of water, minerals, and nitrogeneous waste. I have noticed that my diet affects the smell of my urine. Fact.

How much does a deer's diet affect the smell of bottled urine? Can the urine of captured/collection deer vary based upon their diet? If you're feeding those deer a pelleted ration with assorted hay choices, what happens if I use that urine where the primary food source is sage or oak brush? It has to chemically affect the smell the same as it does in humans.

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I Assume that deer diet is reflected in the urine & feces. Captive deer are fed a diet of grains & veggies high in water content like apples beets carrots etc to maximize the urine output.

When fed onions the urine is stronger smelling.

I doubt a buck would be alarmed at the urine output from a deer with a different diet.

I would bet the buck would be More interested in meeting a deer with a different diet.

But in the fall most bucks interest in does in reproductive and sexual in nature.

Tink Nathan

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I Assume that deer diet is reflected in the urine & feces. Captive deer are fed a diet of grains & veggies high in water content like apples beets carrots etc to maximize the urine output.

When fed onions the urine is stronger smelling.

I doubt a buck would be alarmed at the urine output from a deer with a different diet.

I would bet the buck would be More interested in meeting a deer with a different diet.

But in the fall most bucks interest in does in reproductive and sexual in nature.

Tink Nathan

Thanks Tink................That's what I was looking for.

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I've had similar results with what Scott described. I collected my own urine for a day or two and dumped it on a trail and on a fence post. Later in the hunt, a doe and fawn nosed around the dump site and a little 9 pt actually licked the post. :eek: Since then I've used my own urine on drag lines and scrapes and I've seen similar results. I can only remember spooking one deer with my own urine.

BTW--I don't know about deer, but if there's sugar in a human's urine, that's a key indicator that you have diabetes.

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