Turnip food plot question


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I have turnip bulbs already....they are sticking out of the ground.......

Deer will eat on the tops and the turnip bulb now....not very much but some. But after first frost the deer will be in the plot chowing down ;):):D:D

Good luck

These pictures are from lastyear.....the date is correct. But I have seen the same thing already this year in another plot.



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I am in Northern New York. We try to plant turnip and brassica the last week of July or the first week of August. Our goal being to get the plants to reach maturity about the time the first frost hits. This is usually about 45 days after planting or the second week of September. Our plants were about 24" high when we got our first frost, some turnips were 6" in diameter and the deer have started to eat the leaves. While they will nibble at the bulbs they won't get serious about eating them until probably the first of December. They will continue to dig them up until February or until they are gone.

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