My weekend so far


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Well, ya got to hear about my weekend.

Saturday morning 5:30am I am at the boat launch getting ready to head across the St Lawrence River for some great island hunting. We hunt ALL DAY, I mean we try every trick in the book for early season deer. Nothing....absolutely nothing. I mean not even a deer sighting between my buddy and I. Finally at quitting time, I walk down to the shoreline only to find out we are on the wrong side of the island. When I say island, I don't mean a small island, I am talking 3 1/2 mile long, by 1 1/2 mile wide island. Well you say, just walk the mile and a half across the island and its not so bad. The problem being is since we had both intended on taking a break back at the boat earlier in the evening, and we never did, we had both left our flashlights in the boat. So around the island we go, walking and walking and walking. The large stones on the shore make it tough to traverse, and we each took a dip one time. :eek:

We get back to the boat and think whew, we made it..climb in the boat and we have a short jaunt home. Wrong...motor won't start. :mad: Now since we pushed off and are not caught in the current of the mighty St Lawrence river, we are drifting down river - towards international waters. We can see a campground across the river in Canada, and think we can paddle over there with the one paddle. My buddy says lets call for a boat to come meet us (his cousin), and believe it or not you can probably guess, no cell phone service for whatever reason. After some down river drifting we get a few bars on the phone but the calls go unanswered. No one home. We call the wives to say goodbye (just kidding), we call the wives to tell them our predicament of the boat motor not running, and to try and find someone to get to us before we end up in Canada. I even place a call to a local Border Patrol agent who I am friends with to tell him we were approaching Canadian waters and see if he was on the boat (he is a boat patrol agent), but only got his voicemail. Seeing our anchor line was not long enough to hit the bottom of the river, and with only one paddle we were not making any progress against the current, we continued to attempt to work on the motor. All of this in complete darkness other than a small flashlight beam. After approximately 1/2 hr or better, at last the motor runs! We finally make it back to shore both of us completely exhausted and ready for bed. We decide due to the motor problem some maintenance was the first line of business today, and opted to do that as opposed to hunt.

As a family tonight I decide to go for a bike ride with the family and after what started out as a crappy weekend seemed to be getting better until just before arriving home from the ride. We were just in front of the next door neighbors house starting to slow down to pull into the driveway when I hear my wife yell. In a moment I feel a forceful blow and a sharp pain in the center of my back just below my neck. Due to the pain between my shoulder blades, I immedietly try to stop the bike and get off. I must have hit the front brake a little too hard as it grabbed better than my rear brake with doesn't work as well. Up on the front wheel I go, come off the seat and the handlebars turn just enough to accomadate my groin for proper placement into the end of the hand grip. Now you GUYS know that at this point I have totally forgot about the pain in my back and am off the bike holding my stomach and my groin. My wife is asking me if I am alright and I tell her that my groin hurts more than my back. She then told me that I was hit with a golf ball from the golf course that was driven from a guy about 200 yds behind us. Understanding it was a bad drive, and my pride wounded, I get back on the bike and coast it into the driveway.

I have a bruise on my back the perfect size of the golf ball, the offending golf ball is in my garage as my wife and daughter picked it up for the memories of "the incident", I also have a bruise on my groin and a blood blister the size of a dime where the handlebar hit me.

It all boils down to "to think I could have went hunting today"... :D

Tomorrow I am hunting with my son on my own land... :D

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So what was worse Ken the tazer or the bike handle bar to the groin area ?? j/k :p Sounds like a exciting weekend for sure....glad your alright.

TASER was worse....MUCH worse. Although the following day I did not have two (almost matching) black and blue marks on opposite ends of my body. :D

My wife saw them this morning and said "oh my", guess you did get hit!

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Guest Mark_85

ouch! sorry to hear about your bad luck man. I've seen some people take some pretty nasty hits to the groin before. Me and my brother were playing baseball and I hit him square in the groin. He was not at all happy.

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