Alisha's first teal and black ducks (pic)

total disaster

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this pic is from Oct 8th, Alisha has hunted sea ducks with me before but this year we got to hunt puddle ducks. we were all set up before daylight with just 5 decoys. As daylight was breaking we could hear shots all around us and had alot of teal buzz the blind but none we could shoot. when all of a sudden i see a GW teal coming in and I let it land and tell her to shoot it ..she ends up shooting 2 teal and then I get my gun out of the case next we had 2 black ducks land in decoys and I missed mine and gut shot it on second shot and alisha finished mine and hers out LOL shes my back up but then again I was shooting a unfamiliar gun :D:D we ened up with 3 black ducks and 9 teal :)


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