Attention Illinois and Midwest Hunters

Guest IllinoisMackDaddyHunter

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Guest IllinoisMackDaddyHunter

Would be really cool if all of us midwest deer hunters could find the time to post deer patterns, movements, and weather related conditions. Were all out there doing the same thing that we all love, and thats hunt Midwest whitetails. So how about it guys take a few min. and drop a line on deer hunting relations in your area and who knows might even meet some cool friends a hunting companions here as well. Take care to all and Hunt safe from high places


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Here in West Central IL last weekend, movement was slow, weather was hot. I only saw deer Sunday night, about 5 minutes before dark. 7 does and fawns and 1 buck. It was hard to tell how big the buck was, but I believe he was a borderline shooter. Hopefully, with this cold front moving in, the hunting will be better next weekend, but the earliest I'm going to be able to make it out will be Saturday evening.

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Was real hot this weekend in wisconsin too. Saw a doe and a fawn at about 5:45 saturday evening and 3 more right at dark. Sunday night was even hotter and I didnt see anything. Bucks really arent moving too much, nothing really on the trail cams. A few rubs and scrape around but nothing major yet. Good luck everyone.

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Went out tonight in Northern Illinois and didn't see much movement. It being so warm and so much corn crop up the deer really don't have much of a reason to be out other then for water. Around here there stickin pretty tight to the cornfields and water sources. And with it being warm I haven't seen them movein to far from the water sources. With almost a full moon and the cooler weather this week and by the weekend they should be move'n more during shooting hours.

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Got an email from my Iowa buddy yesterday with a short note about his morning hunt.

He said he saw a 4x4 chasing a doe so they must be starting to smell right. A half hour later he saw the same buck at 80 yards and wheezed at him. The buck came closer and tore up some saplings so he wheezed at him again. The buck came on in within 10 yards of his stand. He said he got the whole thing on video. :cool:

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Well, only made it out once this weekend, on Sunday morning and it finally got cold and was about 37 when I left the house... didn't see a deer though. Hopefully next weekend I will have more time to hunt as it's supposed to stay cool.

I also agree with Matt that this thread could be moved to the Daily Journal Room, that way it would be more visible... just a suggestion

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Northeast Iowa.

Small, stupid bucks started following does on Friday. Had one buck with a really nice loud grunt. On Saturday had 5 different buck picking up the scent of a doe and following her trail.

That means the "the real rut" should be three weeks from this last Saturday (oct 18th). That would put it at Nov. 8th!!!!!

Now if all the farmers would just to take the corn out of the fields.

good luck to all

the dog

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Guest MWisBuck

Southeast Wisconsin (Kenosha County)

Went out Thursday the 16th and saw 2 does and then a 1 1/2 year old 6 that made a couple scrapes and just kept feeding in the small field.

Saturday October 18th had over 10 deer in the field including the same 6 and a 3 1/2 year 8 probably about 140" not a shooter yet but he made a scrape on the edge of the small field. I will be letting the property rest till NOV 1st I cant wait!!! It is finally starting to cool down high's in the Mid to low 50's and should be high in the mid 40's by Nov 1st. I will update more then.

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I went out the other day and saw a doe chase a yote across a picked bean field. One of the nights I dont take the vid cam with me I see something that had me laughing outloud in my stand haha. Have seen some nice shooter bucks but all are well outside of even gun range. I have have alot of 130 class bucks with in anywhere from 10 to 45 yards but nothin any bigger. Has been a very eventfull season so far. With seeing all these lil bucks already i'm guessing this rut will be one of the best in qutie a long time. At least i'm hope'n. I will be headed down to Hancock county IL, for Halloween weekend and the first few days of Nov. to try and harvest a big mature river bottom buck. I'm sure as always I will be in contact with Al (Dartonman) on a regular basis so I will see if he can get on here and maybe keep everyone updated. I will prolly be down there for a week. It will be a huge change for me, from hunting feeding areas to going to hunting the bedroom and some big big timber as im not real used to hunting here in Northern IL. I already have guys scouting for me and checking things out. Hopefully I will have a productive trip and possibly meet up and hunt with some other forum members when I get there. Good luck to everyone out there! Lets not only put some brown on the ground but lets put some nice mature deer on the ground!! Good luck to all!!!

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The deer were moving this weekend! Especially on Saturday night. The daytime high was about 55 and it was going to sink to 38 overnight. We saw a couple young bucks sparring. That same night I actually got a shot on a great 3.5 yr old 130", but was unable to recover. The shot was a little forward and wound up in his shoulder blade. That's the second shooter on the farm in the past 3 weeks that I've seen. I agree, this rut should be a good one!! They're really responding to bleats in my area.

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Except for the buck I shot on the 12th, I've been skunked lately other than bumping them bedded down on the way in and out, and seeing a lot of early/late movement due to the full moon and warm weather I think.

We are in last quarter for moon phase today, and cooling off even more for the next few days here in Ohio, so hopefully I can tag a doe this weekend. :cool:

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Central IL ( Jefferson County )

Deer movement was pretty slow this past weekend. It turned off pretty cold Sunday morning and had good movement. There is a cold front moving in on Friday and should stay for the weekend. We have been seeing alot more mature bucks that are broke up from there bachelor groups. Thinking this weekend should be a good weekend, but may be in Kansas City hunting a 15 pt that i have had my eyes on.

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West Central IL(Morgan County)

Only made it out once again this weekend b/c of working on the farm and that was Saturday morning. Saw 6 deer, all does. They were feeding on a cut bean field. None came close enough for a shot, although the last 4 that came out around 8:25 stayed there until 9:30 so it was cool watching them. That's all the time I had to hunt. Had to come back to school. Don't know yet how this weekend is looking with work, depends on how the week goes. Maybe i'll get to do a little more hunting this weekend... Hopefully...

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