Difference Between Four Years Ago


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As wtnhunt stated in another thread about my first year or so on here. I joined in '03, but didn't become a regular poster until election season in '04 really. That is when most of the forum members on here really got to know me.:D Aside from my political beliefs being different now than four years ago, which I could attribute to some misguided influence from someone else in my life at the time, I have grown and matured, as many have stated before, and I feel like I pretty much get along with everyone. That is not the main point of my post though.

I was thinking about the political room 4 years ago, and today, and noticing some differences. I am not sure if some of it was because of me introducing another political view in here than what others were used to, or that since Bush was still somewhat popular back then, any opponent to him was going to be inferior. It just seemed like people were more fired up about the election 4 years ago than they are now. Maybe it was a little bit of both scenarios that caused most of the talk in here, or is it that while Obama is very much disliked in here for the most part for his political views, is it that we as a whole, are voting for McCain, just so we don't vote for Obama, or is it difficult to get behind him, even though he is a Republican, he does not have the personality that we need?

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There were a couple members back then that were pretty persistent in being anti Bush Marc. There were some members like you too that had differing opinions from the majority of the members who regularly post here. Some of them have strayed away and some are still regular here but have not really posted or participated much in this room since the 2004 election ended.

As for this years race, the issues are pretty clear and the candidates stances on the issues are pretty clear. Pretty easy really to see why there would be an opposition to a liberal candidate that is completely against traditional conservative values and gun rights on a hunting and outdoors related forum.

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One of the largest differences between this year and the election of four years ago is party support for the candidates. Bush and Kerry for the most part recieved full support from Dems. and Reps. nationwide. There's a whole bunch of Democrats that dislike O'Bama and there's a whole bunch of Republicans who dislike McCain. So it will come down to who votes, hence we get the big registration drive by the Dems. But, Democrats are notorious for not going to the polls, whereas Republicans generally speaking show up at the polls. Either way it turns out, the next four years will be pretty rough. We haven't had ANY leadership or direction in this country since 1988.

You think that four years ago you got shot at, you should try and come in here this year and mention a third party candidate. You'd think you were wearing Mossy Oak.

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You think that four years ago you got shot at, you should try and come in here this year and mention a third party candidate. You'd think you were wearing Mossy Oak.


I took some pretty good lumps back then, and I tried to dish them out also.

In the political climate that we have right now, and with the fight for McCain to win, I am not so hot on 3rd party candidates at the moment.

That being said though, I would much rather our political system be more viable to 3rd party candidates where they have an actual chance of winning, but over the years, the top 2 have gained such a stranglehold over the electorate that being a 3rd party candidate relegates you to the level of the red-headed step-child. Trust me, I would prefer our political system to have multiple viable parties rather than the two that seem to run everything. Maybe in time we will get to that level. I think Ross Perot in forming the Reform Party took a major step to that end.

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my opinion is that americans are no longer voting republican and democrat. we are voting liberal and conservative. the liberals have their man pegged, but that leaves lots of democrats who don't know what to do. the conservatives don't have a candidate, and have to hold their noses (again) and vote for the candidate that most closely holds their values. i'm a conservative who is not happy with the lineup, but am ready to hold my nose. again.

now, if this election were obama vs newt, it would be a whole different ball game. gingrich would have obama wetting his pants at every debate, just by using truth and facts....

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A third party candidate in this day and age is a pipe dream. The MEDIA selects the candidates ( that's why we're stuck with a couple of morons running ) and if there was a Third Party candidate involved they would lose control over the whole scenerio. When was the last time you even seen one of the "other" candidates on TV ???? It's because they're telling the truth about what's going on. The Media, the Republicans, and the Democrats can't afford to have the TRUTH come out, or they're all sunk. Sad to say but TRUE.

Truth be known, I'm actually voting for John McCain. I just like to bring up 3rd party names to start trouble.

GOTCHA...................................Yeah right................... I'll vote for McCain just as soon as I'm done reversing my own vasectomy with a screwdriver.

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my opinion is that americans are no longer voting republican and democrat. we are voting liberal and conservative. the liberals have their man pegged, but that leaves lots of democrats who don't know what to do. the conservatives don't have a candidate, and have to hold their noses (again) and vote for the candidate that most closely holds their values. i'm a conservative who is not happy with the lineup, but am ready to hold my nose. again.

now, if this election were obama vs newt, it would be a whole different ball game. gingrich would have obama wetting his pants at every debate, just by using truth and facts....

Exactly right Steve.

I'm just tired of holding my nose for the GOP who have STUNK since 1988.

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I think y'alls assessment is pretty accurate. Both parties have been steadily moving to the Left and those of us who are Conservative are left with a choice of Centrist (McCain) or Ultra Liberal (Obama).

BTW - When I say "Centrist" I don't mean it in a good way.

BTW Part II - We often call Obama a Socialist and he may very well turn out to be one. At least in the classical definition of Socialism. We'll see if/when he gets elected.

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McLame should have been the nominee 4 yrs ago. I will not be voting for Obama, not because I think he is a terrorist, the anti-christ or some other wack-o idea but because he is way to liberal for me, this guy is more liberal than Ted kennedy, no thanks. My votes goin to Ron Paul. My buddy's give me crap about it and say a vote for other than McLame is a vote for Obama, I say BS, first off I'll vote for whoever I want, but more importantly Washington will know theres at last one guy thats not happy with their choices. Of course, I'm the guy that voted for Ross Perot. I always wondered what it would have been like had he gotten in office?

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